Blog Summary

I'm here to describe -and discover- the truth and humor and pain that is life in the 8th grade. Day by day.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

September 8, 2010

You know P.S.? Writing a little note, or often with the people I hang out, with a paragraph larger then the original letter (if you had that much to say how could you forget it), after the fact. Well I propose a little note before the letter or in this case the blog. Something totally of topic, random. Let's call it Pre-Post.

I find nothing funnier then hearing a yay yay girl yelling "That's what I'm saying!?" in the hallways to some poor girl that couldn't possibly understand what she's saying.

I'd like to start off with a segment we might as well call Texting Tips for 8th Graders- I can't say that I'm one of those people who frowns upon texting or the ones that have their phones fastened to their hips, screaming shush every time in vibrates with a new message, as though there's anything to hear. It's a text, words, no sound!
But I also must admit that I am a loler. I do it all the time, and don't get me wrong I don't really laugh out loud (does anyone), its just a response to one of those supposed to be funny stories we all get over texts that aren't funny at all. And its not like you can just not response or say- that wasn't really funny. No you must save their easily broken feelings and type LOL. As though your going to forward that so that a ton of people can LOL, too. But if you do this to much they realize, which is when you must call in the smiley face. Only problem is when you type the smiley face :), it often comes out ;), by accident. That's when everything gets awkward. Which is why, short story long, you must always check to see if your winking, because then everything gets a little creepy.

For example I was texting my friend Bernie today:

Me- We should hang out this weekend :)
Her- Well im busy sat night but ur invited!! Me n a bunch of school kids r going to the mall from 5 till 12 wanna come
I think- that's not how you spell your!
I type- Like who?
Her- names of a bunch of girls that I don't really like and like 20 other people lol
I think- Why is that funny?
I type- Oh well maybe we can hang out next weekend
I think- Because honestly that sounds terrible
Her- Oh y u don't want to come???
I think- Because more question marks makes it more of a question...
I type- Not really

I then pride myself on being honest. And the problem is I don't have enough friends to keep turning down invites like that.

I have a way of getting through days at school. Its a little game I like to play, called remember.What I do is when something funny happens, something that makes me laugh, I remember to remember it for rainy days. And then I go into the mental list of funny moments and laugh, just laugh. Its more fun to go to the bottom, to things you barely remember you remembered, those are always the best.

Went to an assembly on theater etiquette today. I did my math homework.

"Never eat while in the theater, or drink, It gets really messy an there are bugs..."
God, this cookie tastes so good, how do you find the average of this data set?

I don't remember much of the lecture, but I figure It couldn't be that important right. Psh.

Got PE lockers too. I'm kinda glad I got one in the second hallway so that the female PE teacher couldn't look at me through the glass window looking over the first hallway of lockers. "Oh you forgot your shorts, well that's just to bad," Creeper alert!

Geez, I just got distracted by the music video I was listening to. Geez don't you hate it when that happens. Geez Ive got to stop using 'geez'.

In science I was feeling goofy, perhaps it was that we were finding mass, volume, and density of a Kit Kat bar. Any who, this girl in the class comes to my table to talk to anyone but me, but then she glances at me and says "oh I saw you at Ross, picking out that bag" She points to my school bag. And it was as though she had said " I saw you at Ross, buying that cheap bag." And that's probably not what she meant, but that's the way her voice and buy a shirt to small attitude makes everything come off.  I was almost tempted to wink at her and make everything awkward. ;)

You know it creeps you out.

Hey, hey, yeah you. *wink*