Blog Summary

I'm here to describe -and discover- the truth and humor and pain that is life in the 8th grade. Day by day.

Monday, September 27, 2010

September 27, 2010

20 days in. To many days to count out. Kidding, I'm not stupid its 160 or something.

So I'm sitting here trying not to bite my nails and listening to the first Selena Gomez song that I like (now your like what is it, what is it? I'm not going to tell you!) and all I can think is one line said in 6th period.

I was sitting there bored numb hiding my notes from Specs (it appears she has stolen my flapper costume idea for Halloween, I'm actually really bummed about that.) Ms.Star Wars Freak is discussing makeup with one of the many Kim's in the class and some girls in the front, across the room from me, are laughing and play arguing. One of them is saying, "I could totally stop if I needed to, any time, but I don't want to," I'm thinking it and apparently Shane is too because he says it, "Isn't that what alcoholics say?" I laughed for the first time all day and grab a pen to write in my hand because that's what Isadora and I do, we write things down so we can make each other laugh later and my pencil case fell! Pencils and pens and glue and emergency babysitting band aids all over the place!

 So I walk into English this morning and Lola is trying to teach Bernie how to Dougie something, stanky leg as well. She's failing miserably. No one acknowledged my entrance, which was alright, sometimes it's nice to just watch, to be a 2nd violinist. I'm watching her skip backwards, half the class is laughing, the other half is yelling at her because they cant read the notes on the board. The florescent bulbs are humming and It felt like I was invisible. I actually got kinda worried at that point, flattering myself, I checked to see if I was really invisible.

Chamber starts off with Ms.Heels saying Good Afternoon!. Its 8:42. We correct her, but I'm a little worried for her. Everyone was confused when she told them we were going to play Led Zeppelin (the idiots didn't know they were!), but when she tells them we are going to play a song called Rosin Eating Zombies from Outer Space everyone pees their khaki Capri's. Come on.

I'm moving to back of my music play list now. Its funny I haven't listened to these songs in a long time, everything seems so new and old at the same time. Like I'm listening to it for the first time, but I can remember the actual first time I heard it. Its an odd feeling, as though your starting it over, but you hit replay and the freshness is gone, its old once again. Trust me, I won't click replay.

As I promised here is a small story on Isadora's new boyfriend-thingy-not-really-we-hug-we-don't-even-hold-hands-yet-we-haven't-gone-out-but-we're-going-out.....Enjoy!

A boy sits in the navy blue plastic hair. He is itching to flip his blond Justin Beiberish hair, but refrains. It hasn't been 5 seconds yet, he doesn't want to seem like he does it too much. He's trying to grasp the concept of up stage, down stage in tech class and how he can change is appearance even more to resemble a boy band. He's next to a smart girl with super curly hair, he keeps calling her cute. She's getting embarrassed, she isn't used to this. She blushes and that's actually cute, in a 8th grade crush sort of way. She looks a little like her older sister. He dated her,too. I wish she had more sisters he wishes. I hope I don't flunk again, he wishes. What will be number 3?

As you may have guessed I don't much like him. He doesn't talk to me, but Isadora seems to like him. So hold back the urges to ask him if he is majoring in letters, numbers or colors. I think I'm being a little hard on him. But whatever that's what I do.

Have to stay after tomorrow for NJHS. It stands for National Junior We Do Nothing That Helps The Community Horror Society. But I guess that was too long or something. Weird.

Must actually start the Great Gatsby...I lied yesterday.

I was listening to Selena Gomez ,Year without Rain. :)