Blog Summary

I'm here to describe -and discover- the truth and humor and pain that is life in the 8th grade. Day by day.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

September 1, 2010


When I arrive at school, at 6:52, kids have already been filing in for at least half an hour. All of us must squeeze into the quad, which is entirely to small for 750 of us. I stand on the outskirts of the mass managing to fit between two sixth graders, one of them moving away as though I'm contagious and my loserness may rub off on her and her knee high socks. Fine. Her questioning looks don't even hurt me anymore, years of practice. I want to tell her this.

In 0 period Bernie keeps telling me I have duct tape on my back, until she realizes that I put my undershirt on backwards in the dark and the tag is very much visible through my white polo. It seems to disturb (you wouldn't believe how long it took me to spell disturb correctly) my other friend, Korola, that I make no move to go fix it. So to please her and end her eye rolling before she hurts herself, I put my sweatshirt on and go undress in the ladies room. Tip #1-Don't ever do this, its completely nerve racking. I mean there aren't any locks anymore, come on.

Ms.Heels is in one of her sarcastic moods today. The full time orchestra aid, which we were told would be here everyday is gone again. Called in sick, again. Ms.Heels has taken to calling her you-know-who. Its hard for me not to imagine her with out a nose and a bald head now.

I have to walk much more this year then the previous two. They seem to care only for the feet of 6th graders. I'm wearing new flats today, I'm in pain. I want to tell someone this also, but there's no one to tell.

World Geo was genuinely fun. Yes, fun! We had to make towers out of paper, no tape, no glue. The objective was to build the tallest tower, only you weren't allowed to talk to your group. How this relates to anything we will be learning in geography is beyond me. My group is made of my friend Specs, a popular boy in a cardigan and a girl who speaks in Face book fan pages. "Why cant we use our i pods? It's not like Eminem will be rapping me my test answers." I was surprised she didn't say thumbs up or down. Was I supposed to laugh?

In lunch I was yelled at by the custodian."Um, excuse me? Next time you finish eating your food or drinking your drink you need to throw it away not on my floor!" Why do custodian refer to the floor as thier floor?Possessive much? 

"Oh! Thats not mine!" Its a crumpled Coke can, I'm not allowed to have coke.

"Oh sure, next time throw it away!"

"Its- it's not mine! I'm not allowed to have caffeine until I'm seventeen, I'm not even allowed to watch TV on weeknights!" Its true but she won't believe me, she's seen to much from her years as a custodian, she knows what I could be, she trusts no one.

"Sure! Next time."

The encounter was pretty pathetic. I was laughed at, my friend reminded me of the time I was yelled at and told to spit out my gum even though I didn't have any. I pretended to so the teacher would stop reprimanding me. Also highly pathetic.

Story of my life.

3 days down.
177 to go. Wish me luck!