Blog Summary

I'm here to describe -and discover- the truth and humor and pain that is life in the 8th grade. Day by day.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

September 7, 2010


Three things I thought this weekend...

There is nothing more annoying then the sound of someone brushing their teeth while you are trying to sleep. Nothing.

Why do birds hop across streets when they can fly? If I could fly I wouldn't be hopping anywhere. 

I'd be lying if I said I missed school, at all.

Three things I learned today..

Even popular girls cry? Who knew. (jk)

How to do a rubberband trick that no matter what fingers you pull it will always look like male privates.

My Algebra teacher has no idea there are 30 other people in the room. She says what she thinks which means she cuts herself off. It's no shocker that I'm struggling at this whole Algebra thing.

Today I convinced two 7th graders,on the bus, that my old teacher, Mr. Mac was my dad. Gullible is not in the dictionary.  It was kinda funny, I'm a pro at lying not that I did much of it. I just let my friend Olive do the talking while I waited to get of the sweaty oven and unstick myself from the plastic seat.

It cooled of today for a few hours after it rained for 45 minutes. I was rather disappointing I didn't get to play in the puddles. The cool air made everyone's skin feel like it was burning, so brushing against others in the hall was like being engulfed in fire. Not that I would know what that feels like. 

Nothing much happened today except that I nearly fell asleep in 3 classes. I didn't know what was going on most of the day, just going through the motions. Which just may be paradise if it weren't for the yawning. You can only be graceful and put your hand over your mouth so many times.

Recently I was reading about a hatred about using words like lol, rofl, g2g, etc. Which reminded me of what I like to call the gasp girls. Don't worry I didn't make this up, they're in your hallways as well. They're the girls that say lol, g2g, brb out load, not just when texting. Why gasp girls you ask? Well reader who talks aloud to computers, they also say gasp and scream and giggling out loud rather then actually gasping or screaming or giggling. Personally I don't get it, but I'm D-list so what do I know?

From gasp girls we must go to yay yay girls. These are the ones with the cat makeup and teased hair. They speak in tongues, no joke. Its as though they only say "yay yay." They understand each other but the rest of us have no idea what they are saying, ever. This can only work to their advantage. Isadora has a theory- They hide walky-talkys under their big hair, running a wire to their ears into their brains. So that they can read each others minds having only to say yay yay out loud. Sometimes I like to play the understand game, where you try to decipher what they are saying. Good fun.

Which brings us to the extra exclamation point girls. These seem to only speak in caps, smiley faces and exclamation points!!!!!!!! Picking out the actual words in their Facebook postings or texts is another game all together.

There are many more, too many to name, some I'm still naming in my head (Why is Bob the first name that pops into our heads? SpeaksInFacebookFanPages told me this today.)

Perhaps tomorrow will bring more fun!