Blog Summary

I'm here to describe -and discover- the truth and humor and pain that is life in the 8th grade. Day by day.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

September 30, 2010

Last day of the month. One down 8 to go.

I'm so excited for my friend Isadora. She was sitting on the bus the other day with her new boyfriend, and he kissed her on the cheek! He wanted to kiss her on the lips but she said 'not today' or something. And then she felt bad because she found out one of his close family members died that day, and she rejected him in a way. But still I'm sooo happy for her.

Jordan, the boyfriend, transferred to my geography class today. I asked him if he was a vampire. He doesn't eat and his lips are really red, so I just kind of guess. He said no. I then asked him if he would tell me if he was a vampire if he really was. Again no. So I guess only time will tell.

Bella told me today that she hated when people said that it was going to be the end of the world as we know it and when they got all scared. She then explained to me that this was because it was going to be the end of the world as we knew it. Huge difference apparently. She is looking forward to change I guess? I don't know why people always tell me their pet peeves and secrets. I have secrets stored away about people that I don't even talk to anymore. Do I look trust worthy. Oh and someone just now posted on my wall 'Would you trust o with your secret? Yes' I don't even know her, I added her because we had 104 mutual friends.

I'm getting ready for Halloween early this year. I'm going to be a flapper but I'm going to make my own dress. Specs is really bugging me with her costume ideas. She steals my idea and wants matching dress. Um, no.

The back to school dance was today. I remember going when I was in 6th grade. It was my first dance who didn't go? It sucked and I haven't gone to one since but whatever. I had to sell nachos for NJHS. My teacher kept on getting on my nerves and the chili had no beans in it! Come on how wrong is that?

I'm trying to think of a good YouTube name for myself. My current one is really bad. I was in one of those phases. I don't know. I go through many different phases. Small ones like girly odd names and hard core metal music.

I also have really strong obsession periods.
I was highly obsessed with Anne of Green Gables for a while. Then Harry Potter. Then that 70's show. Now Gossip Girl.

I never stop liking something, but I get really involved in it when I'm obsessed. Posters, T shirts, all the books and movies and music. Everything.

I managed to finish my two essays in English. It almost broke me but I did it! Pat yourself on the back O! I even picked the harder one for her to grade. i liked it better I used this metaphor for consequences. My intro went something like this...

We are told to never look down when flying, we are told to never look back when running. We simply push ahead afraid if tripping, but perhaps if we had chanced a glance back we would have seen what was following. We would have been prepared when it caught up.

Yeah I'm proud. I need to redeem myself from that first B.

This obnoxious girl in my class was arguing with her equally annoying friend today.
Her- "I wish I lived in Hawaii,"
Friend- "Why?"
Her- "Everything is way nicer there you know?"
Friend- "Like what?"
Her- "Like little things, like I bet they never have lines at Starbucks and I bet you there is no traffic on the interstate!"

Wait? Did she just say interstate on an island. Don't laugh. Do not laugh. Look away. Okay.

The new is starting to wear off from school. It still feels new, but not quite. Everything is set, there's a certain routine but it still feels a little new. I don't know, I almost don't want that feeling to go away.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

September 29, 2010

I have a serious problem with temptation. It drives me crazy, once I think of something I want to do, I really want to. Usually its not something mean or cruel, its normally funny or what I like to think is witty. But today It almost got dangerous. I was walking home and I always go way out of my way to step on the extra crunchy looking leafs. Its always really disappointing when the turn out not to be crunchy, but that's beside the point. I was in the middle of crossing the street when I saw this brown and yellow, clearly brittle leaf. I was already far away from it and this truck was racing down the street towards me, but I couldn't help but want to run back and stomp on it. I'm still here so I can fight temptation, but I almost went to get it. Some way to die that would be...Her death can be blamed on that sick urge we all get to crush things much smaller then us, in O's case, this was a leaf.

The bus ride at the end of the day was especially funny. We always seem to get to the parking lot at the same time so we are always ushered on to the same bus, with the same cranky women. At least we stopped getting the guy that was 90 and close to a heart attack or something, he was kind of cool though, he let you talk as loud as you want because he couldn't hear you. Yeah he was decent, except you always got that feeling like you were gonna die on the way to the transfer school.

Anyway the cranky bus driver woman lady always makes you go to the very back and work your way up. As Isadora and I were walking on I heard her whisper,"Go all the way to the back, I don't want you up here. I don't like children."

On the same ride she saw a girl next to us with a pop tart hanging out of her mouth, she couldn't be more obvious if she slapped people with it. Ms.Bus driver saw and called her up,"Put that away, spit that out, don't taste that. Yeah you come up here. I don't trrrust you." Yeah she said it with three R's.

You know what I like? I like those  little jokes that you only see if your lucky. I love those they make me feel like I'm part of a secret club. The club of people who think word play is a cool way to make new friends.

I got another 95% on my math test, Unit 2. Unit 3 test is on Monday. Receiving the test was awkward. I was sitting with Hannie and I kept telling her how worried I was. Because as middle schoolers we must voice our worry so that everyone knows. She was confident in her work and then her test was passed back. She got a 76%. Awkward...

We were going over the answers and when we got to the 2 questions on Nth term. The teacher Ms.Bumpy Head asked us all,"Did you all understand these questions?" We all responded as you do in the classroom, simultaneously and with a straight back,"Yes!" Which is when she let out a giant sigh, as though she was thinking 'few I can teach!' It made my day and I kept wanting to tell other people but I knew they wouldn't understand why I thought it was funny.

You know what else I like (other then crunchy leafs and inside jokes?) I like lies that people think no one notices. Yeah well I notice.Mary thinking that no one realized her sprained ankle changed sides every other day.One of the cheerleaders thinking everyone believed her when she said she dyed her PE shirt blue by accident.

I haven't started the Great Gatsby yet. Soonish.

I'm sitting with Isadora and we see this boy on a bike outside the window. He's got his guitar on his back and he looks pretty cool."You know what he looks like? He looks like he's going places. He's gonna do something someday." Whatever you say. He just looked like a boy on a bike to me.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

September 28, 2010

You know how I told you that if I was to have a sidekick I would pick Shane? Well he isn't exactly my friend, I just hear about him or across the room. He talks especially loud and in a "black girl" way. He is in NJHS with me and I was actually talking to him today. He's really funny and our sense of  humor's kind of match. We see Ariel running to open the door from across the room, and her run is more like a prance. She really seems to prance across the room.

Me- "Shes prancing"
Shane- "She is!"
Korola-"Ariel you-"
Me-"Don't ruin this for us. Ssh, you aren't suppose to tell her"
Ariel- "What? What are you guys saying?"
Me- "Your just really pretty."
Shane-"Yup. so pretty girl!"
Red-"They said you run like-"
Shane-"SO pretty!"
Ariel-"Aw, thanks!"
Me-"Her run is like a prance..."

Tough morning. I had an almost anxiety attack to which my mom said she just wasn't dealing with. Yes that helps. I didn't have my hair done and I hadn't eaten. It was messy.

Then in English, my first class, I was a wreck. I couldn't get my thoughts straight. The teacher had given us 2 essays to do at the same time, preparing us for the new and not so improved proficiency test. The prompts were something like this...

My take on a quote from Macbeth or at least what I can remember- "We always get what's coming to us on this earth. We teach the act of bloodshed and we become the victims of our own lessons. Something about evenhanded justice...we must drink our own poison...blah blah blah" How does this relate to the perils humanity faces today?


And number 2- What is the biggest problem for today's youth? Explain the problem and the solution?

Essays like this are my greatest problem. I wish I could explain the solution..

Bernie got her first essay done. I got nothing and I'm not exaggerating I wrote not one word. It's sad I'm supposed to be good in English. Ill have to write super fast tomorrow and hold back the tears. Kidding, kinda.

At least Bernie told me my hair looked pretty.

The orchestra aid was gone again. Why can't we just fire her? I don't get the obstacle.

Started volleyball today in gym. It was pretty ugly. Or at least for me. I paired up with Specs. She kept talking about our matching flapper costumes. Shocker. She wants it to be red. I told her I didn't have a problem with it, but I do. Like why can't she think of her own costumes or at least steal some one elses?

Shane was funny in science too. Ms.StarWars is using a girl as a demonstration for sound waves.

Teacher- "See if I was her friend and I was walking with her and I saw a cute boy behind us and I'm pointing and saying 'look look look' but I'm turned away from her, she won't be able to hear me as well. So she won't be able to see the cute boy until he is gone."

Shane- "God, that happens to me all the time!"
 Shane- "I mean not with a guy..."

I lied again still haven't started Great Gatsby. Must soon though. Must get to bed...night!
Sorry for short post.

Monday, September 27, 2010

September 27, 2010

20 days in. To many days to count out. Kidding, I'm not stupid its 160 or something.

So I'm sitting here trying not to bite my nails and listening to the first Selena Gomez song that I like (now your like what is it, what is it? I'm not going to tell you!) and all I can think is one line said in 6th period.

I was sitting there bored numb hiding my notes from Specs (it appears she has stolen my flapper costume idea for Halloween, I'm actually really bummed about that.) Ms.Star Wars Freak is discussing makeup with one of the many Kim's in the class and some girls in the front, across the room from me, are laughing and play arguing. One of them is saying, "I could totally stop if I needed to, any time, but I don't want to," I'm thinking it and apparently Shane is too because he says it, "Isn't that what alcoholics say?" I laughed for the first time all day and grab a pen to write in my hand because that's what Isadora and I do, we write things down so we can make each other laugh later and my pencil case fell! Pencils and pens and glue and emergency babysitting band aids all over the place!

 So I walk into English this morning and Lola is trying to teach Bernie how to Dougie something, stanky leg as well. She's failing miserably. No one acknowledged my entrance, which was alright, sometimes it's nice to just watch, to be a 2nd violinist. I'm watching her skip backwards, half the class is laughing, the other half is yelling at her because they cant read the notes on the board. The florescent bulbs are humming and It felt like I was invisible. I actually got kinda worried at that point, flattering myself, I checked to see if I was really invisible.

Chamber starts off with Ms.Heels saying Good Afternoon!. Its 8:42. We correct her, but I'm a little worried for her. Everyone was confused when she told them we were going to play Led Zeppelin (the idiots didn't know they were!), but when she tells them we are going to play a song called Rosin Eating Zombies from Outer Space everyone pees their khaki Capri's. Come on.

I'm moving to back of my music play list now. Its funny I haven't listened to these songs in a long time, everything seems so new and old at the same time. Like I'm listening to it for the first time, but I can remember the actual first time I heard it. Its an odd feeling, as though your starting it over, but you hit replay and the freshness is gone, its old once again. Trust me, I won't click replay.

As I promised here is a small story on Isadora's new boyfriend-thingy-not-really-we-hug-we-don't-even-hold-hands-yet-we-haven't-gone-out-but-we're-going-out.....Enjoy!

A boy sits in the navy blue plastic hair. He is itching to flip his blond Justin Beiberish hair, but refrains. It hasn't been 5 seconds yet, he doesn't want to seem like he does it too much. He's trying to grasp the concept of up stage, down stage in tech class and how he can change is appearance even more to resemble a boy band. He's next to a smart girl with super curly hair, he keeps calling her cute. She's getting embarrassed, she isn't used to this. She blushes and that's actually cute, in a 8th grade crush sort of way. She looks a little like her older sister. He dated her,too. I wish she had more sisters he wishes. I hope I don't flunk again, he wishes. What will be number 3?

As you may have guessed I don't much like him. He doesn't talk to me, but Isadora seems to like him. So hold back the urges to ask him if he is majoring in letters, numbers or colors. I think I'm being a little hard on him. But whatever that's what I do.

Have to stay after tomorrow for NJHS. It stands for National Junior We Do Nothing That Helps The Community Horror Society. But I guess that was too long or something. Weird.

Must actually start the Great Gatsby...I lied yesterday.

I was listening to Selena Gomez ,Year without Rain. :)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

September 24, 2010

I tripped a girl on Friday... I feel pretty bad.

I was just standing there with my violin propped up on my leg, waiting for the bus to start letting us on. The straps always catch on things, but they were just laying on the ground. Which is when this group of girls run off the bus and one of them trips over the strap. She didn't teeter or try to catch herself. She just fell. Flat. Her friends ran over to help her and no worries she was fine. But I just kind of turned my case so the loose straps were hidden.

Today I went to see Easy A with my mom. Yup, that's how I spend my Sunday's, with my mommy. The movie was actually not that funny. Granted it had its moments, but the over all message wasn't supposed to be funny. It was rather serious. I really like Emma Stone, I think she has this presence and a really deep, funny voice. Just like Amanda Bynes, I love her voice.

While I like those two, there is a list of actresses I hate. I mean really dislike. And its not even their acting or anything. I just don't like them. Here's a few...
Sarah Jessica Parker
Jennifer Garner
Drew Barrymore (on occasions)
Debra Messing
Anna Hathaway

I just cant stand them.

I think I'm going to start making a list of my likes and dislikes because I'm always forgetting who I hate and who I think is decent. Geez.

I had a mini break down yesterday. And it was really mini. Ive had not so mini ones over really stupid stuff. I get really stressed and start to hyperventilate and crying and panicking. Its not pretty. But yesterdays was just a bit of a tantrum. I was reading every ones Facebook updates (I'm stalker like that, I don't post, I just scan through others and see what they are up too.) And I realized that everyone was doing something but me. I mean I make plans every weekend, but they never go through. And it made me really sad, my sister has more of a social life then I do and shes 9. She can also open the peanut butter jars, so she wins all around.

I was sick Thursday and Friday. My throat was scratchy and my nose was running. I didn't want to miss school, so I probably got everyone else sick, but whatever. The truth is that whenever I miss school I feel like something major happens while I'm absent. So I don't like missing a day. Which is odd, I know. I have tons of friends (that's a lie) that miss school to go to amusement parks and watch the Jerry Springer. I just don't get it.

Both Isadora and Bernie got asked out this week.

Bernie had been going on and on about this guy, who isn't that great and he asked her out. Here's a text convo between her and me after she tells me...

Bernie- He asked me out!
Skipping all excitement I reply- How?
Her- B4 5th!!!
Thinking- sense when do people still use the whole B4 thing.
Typing- That's so cool
Notice no exclamation points
Her- We are like BF and GF now, eep.
Thinking- Did she just reply eeps, hold on let me check this.
Typing- Don't you have to go on an actual date before your gf and bf, like multiple dates.
Bernie- Be supportive O
Me- sorry, I'm happy for you even if you aren't following the rules
Her- so we want to see a movie or get ice cream or something this weekend, I want you to come
Me- doesn't that, um, make it not a date.
Thinking- sorry, did you just ask me to be the 3rd wheel on your seriously miss matched bicycle?
Her- well my dad wont let me go out with a boy alone
Thinking- Light bulb!
Typing- So you want me to be your chaperon?
Her- No, well kinda.

Great. Aim high O!

Its not like Ive ever been on a date, or had a 'bf' or even been asked out but that's a little weird. And the problem is I'll probably be doing the same for Isadora.

More on her 'bf' tomorrow... he's a keeper. Preview- he dated her sister...

Got to get started on the Great Gatsby...until tomorrow.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

September 23, 2010

Block Day. Classes English, Homeroom, Chamber Orchestra, Geography, Science.

So yesterday after posting I looked up the song Show me your Genitals. There was a comment under it that said I will never sing this in class again, from a day ago. Naturally I assumed it was Miley and that this was a weird coincidence. Today in class I asked her if she had a You Tube account. I lied and said that I wanted one and didn't know what to call myself, what was her user name? The comment was posted by someone called Rakabuki or something and Mileys user name is SomethingElse. She explained it to me, its because she is half black half Asian and she likes cookies or something.

At first I was disappointed but then I realized that this meant some other fool had sang it in class, just like her. You'd think that was a one person on the planet mistake, suppose not.

Book club was fantastic and terrible. Bernie wouldn't stop talking no matter how many things I threw at her. But all in all it was productive. Most of them liked the Lamingtons which is what I was most worried about. But I think I came of a little bossy. Or a lot.

My long distance and longest best friend sent me 2 T-shirts today. No one believed me when I said the package would be for me, so ha. One shirt we bought together and would write where we wore it onto it.The other one was new, she and Tye dyed it green and blue and white. It was covered with sharpie and on the back I am suppose to make a list of my favorite things.

Colors- Blue, purple, pink
Food- potatoes, in any form and canned fruit
TV shows- Gossip girl (with my whole heart there is only room for one show, I'm almost tempted to put one of those stupid horizontal hearts. Almost)
Movies- When Harry met Sally (So many, had to pick one)
Songs- All about You- Mcfly

On You Tube at this moment it says watch John Legend and the Roots live. Apparently I shouldn't be in book club because I cant read. I thought it said John Lennon so I immediately clicked on it thinking wow I thought he was dead but this says live. And You Tube doesn't lie.

See that's my problem I get excited too easy. Like today. Bernie had been talking about this guy for a week or something. I didn't know who he was or what he looked like so today Specs pointed him out in the hallway. Only he was terrible and I remembered I didn't like him at all and my excitement was put out much too fast.

Ms.Heels had her hair up today, like in a half up half down thingy. I am not fibbing when I say this is the first time she has worn her hair like this and the first time I have ever seen her ears. I thought they were gone or messed up or something, But they aren't and she looked really pretty. And I think the hair made her nicer because she couldn't stop complimenting everyone. I am now 2nd chair, first violins. Pretty good.

Must go play the Wii with the fam...oh that sounded so lame.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

September 22, 2010

Wednesday. Classes English, Algebra, PE, Adv. Orchestra, Homeroom.

So this girl gives Isadora a note today, one that states her current crush. Neither the girl nor the crush is important. Its the last line that is. Don't tell anyone, that includes O. Apparently this girl understands how close Isadora and I are. I know who the girls crush is despite the last line, and that says something.

English started with Bernie talking non-stop again. At one point she picked up her pencil and held it up almost to her nose. She started turning it. "Its like an optical illusion, O!" I took the pencil, turning it, "No, its not," She snatched it back and continued, "Well its freaking me out."

We had to test in homeroom, something about placement in high school. Only the 7th graders had to take it as well. There was math, 32 questions and reading 20 questions. Everyone seemed to finish before me, then when I was on the last page, this frienemy of mine in the seat behind Bernie's says, "How could you not be done yet?" Some of us, or more appropriately me, aren't as fast as you, that's why.

I hate standardized test with the special pencils and little bubbles.

Math test in Algebra 1 H. So I had 3 tests right in a row. Though I didn't finish my 2nd math test, the only one at the table who didn't. Why is it always me?

Isadora says that her science teacher taught accuracy today by sticking his finger in the hole he made with his other hand. At least no one will forget the meaning of accuracy now.

I'm looking at music videos and I love how every boy band has that one bad boy that doesn't smile at the camera and has thick eyebrows that all the girls seem to love. But I understand the eyebrow thing, compare Nick Jonas's with his brother Joe's. Yeah.

And then there's the goofy one and the serious, romantic one. Its so predictable.

Just finished the book club novel, The Book Thief. It was so sad, I cried. I use to tell everyone that I didn't cry at anything, exception to March of the Penguins,  because I really didn't. But it appears that I do, a lot.

We had to do this thing called Pacers today in gym. You have to run from one side of the gym to the other in between 2 beeps. The space between the beeps keeps getting smaller. I made it17 times across. I was proud of myself. My friend kept bragging about the fact that she had a doctors note for the whole year that said she couldn't run. She told me just over 50 times. And looked happier every time. I was almost hoping that the PE teacher wouldn't listen and make her run, that's how much I wanted her to shut up.

Yesterday in Geography something quick and funny happened. Miley came into the room after our lunch break and yelled, "Show me your Genitals!" Everything got quite, like whisperless quiet until out teacher said "What did you just say?" Miley obviously worried said, "Its a song, no really its a song!" Which it is. Our teacher responded- " Well I don't want to hear that song,"

Packed up the Lamingtons and I'm ready, except half of my hair isn't done. Today wasn't that bad to be honest, other then the testing and the running. I didn't once plan a murder in my mind, so all in all good day.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

September 21, 2010

Picture Day for boys, Free dress.

So I go on Facebook this afternoon and know what I find? A bunch of mushy posts from everyone at my school to a few girls. And if you trace it back it starts with one post from a friend of the girl saying that this girl thinks that she is not pretty, Which means that everyone on the planet messages her and posts on her already full wall. But wait. These girls are the prettiest, most popular girls in the school. Katlyn, Sabrina, Audrey.

Bernie is wearing highlighter green and black plaid pants that she bought 2 years ago and are a little too tight. And, oh, suspenders. I told her her shoes didn't match. She told me that finally her outfit matched her personality. So your obnoxious? At least that's what I heard.

We had to take a first grade level test in English. It was from the state, not my teacher. It went something like this...

Circle the word that fits in the sentence.
The cat (ran, quick, tree) from the dog. The dog (ate, barked, Robinson) at the cat.

I was just plain weird. Nothing more to say. 

In math Ms.R was more rapid then ever. She was making up for the lesson she didn't teach yesterday. She was talking and writing and erasing before the bell even rang.  We have our second unit test tomorrow, so I'm a little nervous.

We were told that we were going to play a Lady Gaga song for chamber orchestra. The whole class, except me, freaked out. And not in a good I can't wait way. In a she is so terrible, you can't make me, she doesn't really work way. The last one doesn't even make sense, of course she works! I was excited, I mean when you are stuck learning mostly classical for a long time a bit of pop is really fun.

Stayed after for the NJHSpdpfdjklfjri induction. We had to raise our right hand, and after the left hands were put down and the right ones were put up, we had to say a pledge. I can't even remember what it was. Something about citizenship and courtesy or something.

Funny Moment in The History of the Lunch Room-
There is a boy who I have seen around the halls since 6th. In 6th grade he was in a wheel chair and then a walker. He broke his legs or something, I don't even know. The in 7th he had a walker and a cane. I thought he was in 8th when I was in 7th, he has a mustache practically! Anyway, I saw him and his cane in the hallway today! He must be old enough to vote, or at least drive. I don't know how many times he was held back.

So I tell Isadora this and she flips out she thinks its so funny that I saw him, she hadn't yet. The class president, Hilary across from us says "Whats so funny you guys?" To which we both reply by moving are hands as though we were walking with a cane. We see each other doing it and burst out laughing. She was like " I don't know what that means?!"

"Well we both did!"

Can't wait for book club! As I write this my vice principle is leaving a message for me telling the students to wear out polos tomorrow. Oh wait, its in Spanish now!
That just made my night...

Monday, September 20, 2010

September 20, 2010

Picture Day for Girls. Free Dress.

I woke up 30 minutes early, the sun hadn't even bothered to wake with me and got ready for picture day. People don't only change their hair and entire face for picture day (which is ridiculous) they also seem to change personality's. Tomboys become girly girls. Nerds become neon and shiny new. Its funny.

And then there are people like Specs who do their hair everyday with a big bow, and wear makeup and low cut Polo's (didn't know they made those.) She didn't do her hair, she was bare faced and she wore a t-shirt. I don't get it, aren't you suppose to dress up for picture day rather then down? And then- here comes the worst part- she doesn't like her picture! She says her sun burn is showing and she looks terrible. She doesn't want to do re take day because she will have to wear Standard Student Attire.

My picture on the other hand turned out half way decent. I did a Mona Lisa smile. The women had her Bell Photo shirt knotted and her lace undershirt showed up to her belly button. I watched the petite red head at the other camera tell the girls how to fix their hair, while mine fiddled with her own. She adjusted this and that, telling me to hunch my back and straighten my posture at the same time, telling me to hold still and kick myself. So my smile sorta faded like in old photos in the 1800's when the camera man had to go under a small curtain and it took so long that everyone looked like they would rather be being stabbed then stand in the same position any more. Hence the small Mona Lisa smile and take the picture already eyes.

But to be honest it was my best photo of middle school, which isn't saying much.

I sat between Specs and Bernie today during English. I could have whipped out any weapon and killed them, no regret. I didn't even pretend to be laughing at their not funny jokes I just did my work and shot evil glances which they didn't see.

Tons of math homework, some of it not even done yet and I have to go to bed soon. Needless to say I'm freaking out on the inside. But then I remember that I was the only science student in my teachers classes to get 100% on both her tests last Friday. Yah, take that. Though I still have math to do.

Boys picture day tomorrow. I think I'm going to wear my Clothing Status Update Torso Coverage ON shirt. Yes, yes I will. Because I'm cool like that.

Aid in Orchestra was gone again, had to throw that in.

Must leave you,` Algebra is waiting...

Sunday, September 19, 2010

September 17. 2010

Friday, Saturday.

There are some days in which I think my mom is crazy. Then there are those days where I know she is.

I had to do laundry all of Saturday. She even called me laundry fairy, like that makes it better.

Picture day for girls is Monday. Its also a free dress day. Which is like Christmas come early for the whack jobs I go to school with. And what will I be wearing? Jeans and a black shirt. Which is basically the uniform without a collar. But to be honest I don't really have many shirts that are 'weekend' shirts. We also get a free dress day for boys picture day. Maybe I'll wear my Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back shirt. No I wont. I'm picked on enough.

I still have to do my hair and decide what kind of makeup I will put on.

I have to stay after school for 2 days this week. Once on Tuesday for the ceremony for NJHSpqslkhdkfd. Whatever its called. Yeah I got in. I think there's gonna be cake so I'm there.

Then I have to stay after Thursday for my book club. I'm making the cake for this one. Or not so much cake, but Australia's Lamigtons. I've seen Youtube's CommunityChannel speak of them so I thought I would give them a chance. As of right now we (me and my mom, because I suck at baking) only have to cake made. Then we have to cut it into squares, cover it in chocolate icing and roll it in coconut.

For the first week of book club I chose the novel, The Book Thief. Its really great. I don't even care that everyone else hates it. They're stupid. And I know I will be the only one who has finished and I'll have to smile and pass out lamigtons that I made and let them chat while I discuss the book with myself. But its all good because I get this weird jealously/anxious feeling after I read a great novel or watch a brilliant movie. I don't want anyone else to know about it. Its just for me, a secret that no one else should get to enjoy. So I kinda like that no one else will have read it.

I have 10 more bug bites. So I had to clean under my bed and sleep on the sofa. I don't even want to go into my room to brush my hair. I'll have to sleep in there tonight though. And it will take me hours to fall asleep, which isn't good considering that I have to get up early tomorrow to ride the morning bus. Ugh.

Spec's has switched her class schedule so that she has 5 classes with me out of the seven. The two I don't have with her are both orchestra. "OMG," She doesn't say 'Oh my gosh' she just says the 3 letters,"O what if we had all our classes together?" I would kill myself, " That would be so fun!"

Me now- "Oh it so would, we would always walk together and I could call you for like homework help!"
Her- "I know!"
Me- "But we don't, so we can't."

First we had English together. All the seats around me were taken by less creepy people. She tried to kick people out of there seats, and then expected me to back her up. Um no. Those are those people's seats. They have been for 3 weeks.

Then in math she had to sit at a table with 3 guys, and she acted like our last names started with different letters was my fault.

Fire drill in adv orch. There were 67 or something kids trying to get out of the room at the same time. One boy grabbed his book and then continued to push through the mass. I said, "Why are you bringing your book Robby?"
To which he responded- "Books first, always,"
What? I mean I like books, I love them but I love myself too. More than easily repurchased novels. No don't tear the pages! Take me instead!

We had to work in groups in science. Which is an easy A for 3 other people while I do the work. I don't let anyone else help. I don't trust them really.

I don't want to go to school tomorrow. I want to go to sleep. Or watch TV or something. I want to stop being so itchy with bug bites.

165 days left...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

September 16, 2010

Even classes today, 0,2,4,6.

I peed my pants today.

And I know what your thinking? Your either this guy Stop messing with me or your this guy What is this observing the 1st grade.

 But seriously I was taking out the recycling, me and Bernie, and she kept making me laugh. For example I swiped her face slightly with some papers. Worried I had cut her, because taking the recycling is like flying first class to Paper Cut City, I said- "Are you okay?"
To which she responded- "Is my hair messed up?"
Me-" Did I cut your eyes?"
Her- "Is my hair messed up?"

So yeah, I laughed too hard. But whatever. I was all worried, but no one said anything. At first I thought this might be that they were just being polite, and then I remembered where I was.

I had to worry about my bangs all day long. And the sad part is that I wanted them to look like Katlyns. Do you realize how sad that is? I don't want to want to look like anyone but myself.

 I would like to share some words that I hate.
Yes, I hate these words and the people who use them. 'God that was so epic!' Ugh. I felt like sharing.

The aid was back, but she kept asking for breaks. Like she hadn't just had a 12 day one. Then she ordered a fan without telling Ms.Heels. And I thought I had seen Ms.Heels mad. Wow it was like a tomato with a long blond wig. I was fairly sure she was gonna choke you-know-who with her hair.

Backpack chick came over to my science table today. She greeted Specs and 2 other boys and then looked at me, realized she didn't know my name and everything got all silent.

Then Isadora messed with me. I had told her I didn't like FacebookFanPageGirl. So on my way to class today Isadora and, lets call her Miley, come over to me.

Isadora (on the cheerleading team with Miley)- "O! I told Miley how much you wanted to be her friend!"
I could have slapped her.
And after that Isadora walks away laughing while I get a big fake cheerleader hug from Miley, "You so are my friend!"

Yes because I handed you your notebook today in Geography. Yes. We will be friends forever.

We had to write one goal on a paper record and then color it in homeroom. I said I wanted to work at Arbys by day and raise my 10 kids, all named Nemo, by night. The I erased it and put I wanted to get Straight A's. I'm so pathetic.

Slow day. I hope they aren't all like this.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

September 15, 2010

First block day. Classes 0,1,3,5 and homeroom.

Bernie sits behind me in English. I came in later then usual and she was already there dancing around in her skirt and neon orange converse. She said something along the lines of- "I'm wearing a skirt and my converse. See? It adds my one flare."

I don't usually burst others bubbles but I then said- "A ton of people do that Bernie, I think the country music stars have already picked it up too" I suppose it was sorta mean, but we laughed it off.

She had peanut M&M's which we decided to share. I ripped open the corner and she went to pore them, but I stopped her. "We have to organize them by color and then count them," I said.

"That's not OCD.." she stage whispered. But she let me continue to split them 70/30. And now we are even for the whole shoe comment.

We had our first homeroom today. Mine is a special one, writing lab. We tutor kids that have trouble writing. It really fun. But we won't get to start that for another couple of weeks. Today we had to do worksheets that the administration passed out. One was a survey. I found out that my English teacher was the only one that would be reading it so I didn't feel the need to ham it up. Here are my answers...

Whats your favorite food? Mashed potatoes and canned fruit.
Whats your favorite song? All about you by Mclfy
Whats your favorite singer? McFly
If I had one wish it would be That everything works out because if I doesn't I'm lost.
If I had a million dollars I would Buy myself a library because I like to read.
What's your favorite part of school? Guessing what the school lunch is.
Whats your least favorite thing about school? Eating the food before you know what it really is.
The one thing that would make school better? I would be here all alone
What do you like to do with your friends? I don't have any friends
What do you like to do alone? Everything- read, write, breath
Who do you live with? My ten imaginary friends
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? I'm supposed to be able to see that? Crap...

 So I'm pretty sure they know everything they need to.

Orchestra and PE were way too long. But that aids back. Much to my surprise. I thought when she came back she would be in a body bag or something. Am I the only one slightly disappointed?

When I got home I asked my mom to help me cut my bangs, they were much to long. I told her I didn't want side bangs but she didn't listen, so they are above my eyebrows. And picture days Monday. I feel terrible.

This is something that doesn't happen unless your in a Nick or Disney movie, but I'm not getting payed for this and now I don't know what to do.

Its not nearly as funny as you would think or as my mom thinks.

Too many days left....

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

September 14, 2010

Open House Day

This post is being written at 8:46, a few minutes from my bed time.

Bernie was back from skipping today in English. She wouldn't stop talking, and I'm not exaggerating. She wouldn't stop. I'm fairly sure I know her entire history now, and she doesn't just talk in between the teacher words. She talks over them. Until, of course, I had to tell her to please be quiet for a minute. She just kept going how her and Sophie had like no one liking them, and Randy had everyone and that just wasn't fair. Despite my unpopularity, when I tell people to shut up, they do. I'm so polite all the time, when I say anything in my serious tone its taken, well, seriously.  So this was sort of a shocker.

In math I found out I got a 95% on my exam. I was very proud with myself, but that had to stop when I found out that the 2 girls next to me were being asked to leave the class. The same ones I told did just fine. Its like I jinxed it.

John Calivin 1, 2 and 3 got on my nerves today.
"Yes but you need to divide 81 by 100" duh was clearly implied.

6 minutes till bed.

I have two large bites on my arm and I had one on my leg a week ago. And you now what I found out today? Bed bugs actually exist. What? I had no idea I just thought they didn't know what else rhymed with 'good night, sleep tight..."

I'm scared to say the least.

I played basket ball today. Again I was proud with myself till Katlyn said- "you know if you were really playing you would be out with like a ton of penalties"

Maybe her bow tie was on a little tight because it was just for fun.

Then we grilled hamburgers in science. I'm a vegetarian, but also a good students so I sat in the very first row. Mistake 1. The smell was horrid. I kept on coughing and Specs was like "are you ok?" If the question was in text it would have multiple question marks that's how much of a question it was.

Mistake 2. Laughing at the wrong time seems to get me in trouble all too often. Last year I was lined up with the rest of Adv. Orchestra in my ugly black dress outside the theater. Someone wrote H1N1 on the wall in little letters. I said out loud "Guess it didn't get its shot." Which caused me to laugh, that's how dang funny I think I am. The band teacher, watching us, was not pleased.

Anyway today the other 8th grade science teacher was doing the cooking. He was introducing the other teachers and he said "And for all of you who already know Ms. Y and are starting to dislike her..." I laughed. I mean it was a joke. But I guess teachers are the only ones who are suppose to make fun of teachers. Like using the N word. My friend told me- "Just because they say to each other doesnt mean we can."

6 minutes past bed time. Arent I a rebel. Once I went a night without flossing...

Open house was good, clean fun. Until of course math class came around. You had to go to each of your classes with your parents. Anyway. I'm sitting in front of my mom. My teacher is addressing us.

Shes talking about working with the other 8th grade Algebra 1 Honors teacher, also my 7th grade teacher.

"Yup, we're partners," And then she bumps her two fist together sideways. Bumping fists...Partners....Me and my mom snickering.

All good clean fun!

Monday, September 13, 2010

September 13, 2010

Looks like I have a case of the Mondays.

My bumpy headed math teacher was out today. Some 23 year old with a purposely messy pony tale subbed for Algebra 1 Honors.

Sub- I went here 10 years ago I had a bunch of teachers I had as well!!!! (yup she was one of those)
Joe- So how old are you?
Sub- Somewhere in my twenties
Kat- You don't just ask someone that!
Me- She went here 10 years ago, you are 13 and 14 in the 8th grade.
Joe- So that makes her...

Jesus, did I go to the right class. Because I thought this was Algebra 1 Honors. As in a high school math credit. As in 13 plus 10 is easy. As in I'm terrible at math so why am I even saying this? As in I should stop saying 'as in' now.

In orchestra it appears that we have stolen the choir aid, what with ours being MIA still. I'm starting to believe she isn't sick, but dead. And the letter telling her to not come back at all will be thrown on her rotting body through the mail slot. Who am I kidding, do they even make mail slots anymore?

No but seriously she's dead.

Then we had to take a test (notice how I used to the less scary word test, rather then exam, because this is a bogus test.) It was on theater etiquette. I kinda' went over board on my answers. But only because I was so bored.

"Why shouldn't you eat in the theater?"

What?! You aren't allowed to eat? Since when?!  Well I don't care if they are doing Sound of Music, cancel my ticket.

Just joking. Like my school could pull off Sound of Music. It would be more like a parody.

The plays always star the same girl, Audrey. She is 'besties' with Katlyn (God I hate that name and you know you hate it to. When I see it on a paper or name tag or where ever I just want to hurt the owner, no offense if that's your name.) Katlyn wears bow ties around her head, every day. Her heads too big so she has to tie an elastic to them, but its super cute. Anyway Audrey is about 4'11 and blond and you can't see the bottom of her dimples there so deep. It gets really old.

I was asked if I wanted to join the National Honors Society Juniors Somethings. Its all about helping your fellow citizen. And I want to go to Stanford so yeah that crap looks good on applications. Plus I like doing good, really.

I have realized something. There is a John Calvin in every class, every school. He may not go by the same name but he's there and he's always the same.

Here is a picture.

He sits across from you. He is tubby and slightly arrogant. He is polite, but loud. He will help you but he will laugh that you are wrong. And he will kiss up to the teacher, always. There will always be a small, nicely wrapped gift with a funny melting snowman card attached to it signed John Calvin on the teachers desk. Always.

I also realized that I get really excited about fights or yelling authorities. Its odd. No doubt, but I do. When I see a teacher shaking her sweaty finger at a kid I nearly pee my pants.

Like today-

I'm walking down doom hallway with Specs when I hear two girls yelling at each other. They're darn close to pulling hair. I smack Specs across the arm and whisper, "Are they fighting? Do you see that? There fighting! Did you see that? They were fighting."

I don't know what excited me so much, probably that fact that it wasn't me, whatever. It was awesome. But then again I'm terribly afraid of spiders and vending machines, too.

And you thought you were weird because you hate clowns......

Friday, September 10, 2010

Septemeber 10, 2010


Day of the Unit One math exam. Exam is a much harsher word then test or quiz, which is why I use it. To scare myself. I'm not sure how I did on it, not sure If I would like to find out either. I don't know if you do this or if it's just me, but when other people start to finish and I'm on question 6 I suddenly start to rush, and I know I'm not supposed to. I mean teachers have told me for years and years to believe in myself and if I do that I can achieve anything. Go print it on a frickin lanyard. 

I was sorta hoping that the bump on my Algebra teachers head would make her pass out and we would get off the hook.
No luck.

I turned down another invite, which just may be the stupidest thing ever. I told her that I wanted to go the movie, Easy A, with my parents. Which is true. Now she wants us all to go together. Yeah that's normal.

There are posters all over the school telling us to watch the school news today. Like we have a choice. Its as if we can say- sorry I know the fliers said I should but I have something better to do. It doesn't work like that and if it did I would be like- I know the fliers said I should do my homework but my favorite episode of Friends was on so, sorry.

I ended up watching the news and through out it they played some sappy music. The kind that played at the end of Grease when they were about to graduate. Then the principle said that we could stay here a loooong (yup 3 O's) time or a short time. I think she meant that we could get kicked out or we could stay our proper 3 years. But it sounded like a long time as in we would have to stay more years because we flunked. I don't know, that's what I got.

FaceBookFanPage girl has a friend. She quotes boy bands. I don't know if you know what boy bands sing, but its stupid and its even stupider when its said out loud in a serious tone. I bet you my 5 dollar allowance that the notebook she clings to like a life line is full of poetry. And not Shel Silverstein poetry. No, suicidal, sappy poetry. I'm going to be nice to her, like I am to that creepy boy who sits in the corner and walks funny. The ones that everyone else makes fun of. Because the truth is when they crack, they wont kill me.

Do you know what people call me? Of course you don't. They call me bipolar. That's right. Me the innocent good student, caffeine free, vegetarian, McFly loving, 5 foot 6, writing me. Bipolar. What?

Me and Isadora had fun with raw almonds on the bus. We needed to distract ourselves from the fact that the ancient, white haired driver may just go blind any second. Its fun. I will miss her when middle school ends. I really will.

I have to make an appointment with a counselor to talk about high schools. I mean I don't have to but my parents want to, it just makes everything so real. The whole moving on and up. Or really moving down, considering in 9th grade we will be the baby's again.

It makes the fact that I'm leaving my very, very small group of friends very, very real. I have one year left, not even that. And when I think about it that way I don't want 8th to end.

And then I wake up and I'm still in a living hell. Jesus I hate nightmares.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

September 9, 2010

Orchestra Class (aid has called in sick for 7 days now)
Sharpay-  "O you shouldn't put makeup on that giant zit,''
Me- "I know, I know,"
Sharpay- "Really it will make it worse,"
Me- "Uh-huh, whatever you say" I apply more cover up..
Some girl that sits next to me- "You know they make medicated makeup that's tinted your color?"
Me- "Oh really? Wow I'll look into that," When you mind your business.
Sharpay- "See," 

It's been pointed out to me that I'm awfully cynical when it comes to the 8th grade. So I will now try to think of something good about the grade.

You get acne.
You have a ton of homework.
You are always self conscience.
You have to carry around half your body weight in folders and paper.
You have to wear ugly basketball shorts for PE.
You never get a break.
You are constantly surrounded by morons.

Oh wait......

After English I made my way through the doom hallway (really people call it that.) I'm feeling quite sad that I don't have math with Isadora, people in the hallway part for her. I'm a foot 6 inches taller than everyone in this hallway and its as though I don't exist.

My Algebra 1 H teacher pushes up her reading glasses onto her head as though they are sunglasses. She has straight across bangs which means the hair goes crazy when its pushed back. She drinks a diet coke everyday, it's 8:00 in the morning. That can't be healthy. She has a giant red goose egg on her forehead. That  can't be either. Personally I would have it checked out, but whatever.

The class starts and I am made fun of because I can;t divide 220 by 10. She gives me a teacher disappointment look. But I was too concerned with her head to care.

The we play probability BINGO. I get one but I'm to afraid to call it out. So the girl next to me does. I know I'm pathetic. I get a free pencil, which I try to pass to her, but she clearly doesn't want it either.

The morning announcements make me feel like I'm a fictional character in a movie. One starring a hunky jock and a popular cheerleader, my character would probably be an extra in any decent movie. But this isn't any decent movie this is mine and I'm the star. I like it.

There's a boy named Shane in the class. I don't know whats wrong with the name, but any one who has it seems to be loud and in the closet. He would be my sidekick.

Orchestra doesn't seem to ever change. I have been in advanced for 2 years now. This will be my 3rd.

Everything is the same.

The 1st violins are still stuck up and not as good as they seem to think they are.
2nd violins are still irrelevant.
Violas are still made fun of and they still get all defensive.
Cellos are still funny and loud.
Bass's are still mean and brooding.

Am I really the only one that notices these things?

In science she keeps talking about Nordstroms, and I can't help but wonder do you even have a lesson planned?

We almost start to talk about Dr.Herc (the scientific method- Define the problem. Research, Hypothesis, Experiment, Something else that starts with a R, and Conclusions.) But no, more talk about Ugg boots (spell check suggests Ugh when I type in Ugg, that's exactly what I think Mr.Spell check, exactly what I think)

So much more to cover..there is always tomorrow. There's always a tomorrow when you're in school.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

September 8, 2010

You know P.S.? Writing a little note, or often with the people I hang out, with a paragraph larger then the original letter (if you had that much to say how could you forget it), after the fact. Well I propose a little note before the letter or in this case the blog. Something totally of topic, random. Let's call it Pre-Post.

I find nothing funnier then hearing a yay yay girl yelling "That's what I'm saying!?" in the hallways to some poor girl that couldn't possibly understand what she's saying.

I'd like to start off with a segment we might as well call Texting Tips for 8th Graders- I can't say that I'm one of those people who frowns upon texting or the ones that have their phones fastened to their hips, screaming shush every time in vibrates with a new message, as though there's anything to hear. It's a text, words, no sound!
But I also must admit that I am a loler. I do it all the time, and don't get me wrong I don't really laugh out loud (does anyone), its just a response to one of those supposed to be funny stories we all get over texts that aren't funny at all. And its not like you can just not response or say- that wasn't really funny. No you must save their easily broken feelings and type LOL. As though your going to forward that so that a ton of people can LOL, too. But if you do this to much they realize, which is when you must call in the smiley face. Only problem is when you type the smiley face :), it often comes out ;), by accident. That's when everything gets awkward. Which is why, short story long, you must always check to see if your winking, because then everything gets a little creepy.

For example I was texting my friend Bernie today:

Me- We should hang out this weekend :)
Her- Well im busy sat night but ur invited!! Me n a bunch of school kids r going to the mall from 5 till 12 wanna come
I think- that's not how you spell your!
I type- Like who?
Her- names of a bunch of girls that I don't really like and like 20 other people lol
I think- Why is that funny?
I type- Oh well maybe we can hang out next weekend
I think- Because honestly that sounds terrible
Her- Oh y u don't want to come???
I think- Because more question marks makes it more of a question...
I type- Not really

I then pride myself on being honest. And the problem is I don't have enough friends to keep turning down invites like that.

I have a way of getting through days at school. Its a little game I like to play, called remember.What I do is when something funny happens, something that makes me laugh, I remember to remember it for rainy days. And then I go into the mental list of funny moments and laugh, just laugh. Its more fun to go to the bottom, to things you barely remember you remembered, those are always the best.

Went to an assembly on theater etiquette today. I did my math homework.

"Never eat while in the theater, or drink, It gets really messy an there are bugs..."
God, this cookie tastes so good, how do you find the average of this data set?

I don't remember much of the lecture, but I figure It couldn't be that important right. Psh.

Got PE lockers too. I'm kinda glad I got one in the second hallway so that the female PE teacher couldn't look at me through the glass window looking over the first hallway of lockers. "Oh you forgot your shorts, well that's just to bad," Creeper alert!

Geez, I just got distracted by the music video I was listening to. Geez don't you hate it when that happens. Geez Ive got to stop using 'geez'.

In science I was feeling goofy, perhaps it was that we were finding mass, volume, and density of a Kit Kat bar. Any who, this girl in the class comes to my table to talk to anyone but me, but then she glances at me and says "oh I saw you at Ross, picking out that bag" She points to my school bag. And it was as though she had said " I saw you at Ross, buying that cheap bag." And that's probably not what she meant, but that's the way her voice and buy a shirt to small attitude makes everything come off.  I was almost tempted to wink at her and make everything awkward. ;)

You know it creeps you out.

Hey, hey, yeah you. *wink*

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

September 7, 2010


Three things I thought this weekend...

There is nothing more annoying then the sound of someone brushing their teeth while you are trying to sleep. Nothing.

Why do birds hop across streets when they can fly? If I could fly I wouldn't be hopping anywhere. 

I'd be lying if I said I missed school, at all.

Three things I learned today..

Even popular girls cry? Who knew. (jk)

How to do a rubberband trick that no matter what fingers you pull it will always look like male privates.

My Algebra teacher has no idea there are 30 other people in the room. She says what she thinks which means she cuts herself off. It's no shocker that I'm struggling at this whole Algebra thing.

Today I convinced two 7th graders,on the bus, that my old teacher, Mr. Mac was my dad. Gullible is not in the dictionary.  It was kinda funny, I'm a pro at lying not that I did much of it. I just let my friend Olive do the talking while I waited to get of the sweaty oven and unstick myself from the plastic seat.

It cooled of today for a few hours after it rained for 45 minutes. I was rather disappointing I didn't get to play in the puddles. The cool air made everyone's skin feel like it was burning, so brushing against others in the hall was like being engulfed in fire. Not that I would know what that feels like. 

Nothing much happened today except that I nearly fell asleep in 3 classes. I didn't know what was going on most of the day, just going through the motions. Which just may be paradise if it weren't for the yawning. You can only be graceful and put your hand over your mouth so many times.

Recently I was reading about a hatred about using words like lol, rofl, g2g, etc. Which reminded me of what I like to call the gasp girls. Don't worry I didn't make this up, they're in your hallways as well. They're the girls that say lol, g2g, brb out load, not just when texting. Why gasp girls you ask? Well reader who talks aloud to computers, they also say gasp and scream and giggling out loud rather then actually gasping or screaming or giggling. Personally I don't get it, but I'm D-list so what do I know?

From gasp girls we must go to yay yay girls. These are the ones with the cat makeup and teased hair. They speak in tongues, no joke. Its as though they only say "yay yay." They understand each other but the rest of us have no idea what they are saying, ever. This can only work to their advantage. Isadora has a theory- They hide walky-talkys under their big hair, running a wire to their ears into their brains. So that they can read each others minds having only to say yay yay out loud. Sometimes I like to play the understand game, where you try to decipher what they are saying. Good fun.

Which brings us to the extra exclamation point girls. These seem to only speak in caps, smiley faces and exclamation points!!!!!!!! Picking out the actual words in their Facebook postings or texts is another game all together.

There are many more, too many to name, some I'm still naming in my head (Why is Bob the first name that pops into our heads? SpeaksInFacebookFanPages told me this today.)

Perhaps tomorrow will bring more fun!

Friday, September 3, 2010

September 3, 2010


Started reading Macbeth today. We are probably on page 4 and theres already a war and blood. I don't even want to know whats going to happen in the next hundred pages, and more importantly who will be reading during the sickest parts. Because let me tell you it's all about voice. Bella the girl in the back with the booming voice and the freaky natural gray hair reads and I might just pass out. The girl in the corner ,who's voice goes up no matter what she says so everything sounds like a question, she reads then I'll be thinking of unicorns and rainbows, doesn't matter how bloody the text is. "He pulled the dagger steaming with others blood and covered it with this new mans, from his gut to his gullet?" Not so sick is it when it's a question.

During first period math all 8th graders had to go to the theater for the deans assembly. We used to have two deans, but one of them was moved to the high school near by, making it dean assembly. Just one dean, Mr.Nose standing behind his plastic podium shuffling the power point papers he's printed. At first I was surprised at how quite we all were, all 500 of us. We all sat in our hard backed, blue chairs, completely silent, almost respectful. That's when I realized we weren't being respectful we were being bored out of our minds. We aren't allowed to bring tech decks (yes this rule is very necessary because those haven't been popular since 4th) or water pistols (this doesn't even deserve a comment, if you bring a water pistol to school neither do you.)

When you looked across the auditorium not more then 5 people had there eyes above half mast. This includes me, I think I was making a mental list of all the reasons I would ever need to bring a water pistol to school.

You-know-who was out again, who knows where. But seriously what do orchestra aids do in there spare time? Not that's it exactly spare time considering she should have been at work.

There is this boy in my PE class, AJ. At first I was fairly sure he had the wrong person, but he called me by my name. How he knows who I am and feels the need to hug me is still a mystery. Then he tried to give me a high five. I have a terrible habit of biting my nails which is what I was doing when he stuck is hand out, I didn't know if he noticed or not so I gave him an awkward pal only high five. Whats worse is this will probably be my go to funny story for the next year. 

I have a theory. All teachers became teachers so that they could give homework rather then receive it. Its payback. Which is why they feel the need to ruin my Labor Day weekend with homework packets. Packets.

Specs insulted my hair today. I walk into World Geo maps strewn across the floor for today's worksheet (teachers also hate the planet, a forest was probably donated simply for the packets I got for homework.) She's sitting in the seat next to mine and when I walk up she asked me if I had woken up late or if my hair was on purpose. Whoa back up. What? Oh no she didn't. I mean what kind of person says that to another. But don't worry she'll make a perfect teacher someday.

There's something about the bus that magnifies every little movement. The heat is excruciating and the girl across from me and Isadora keeps screaming in Spanish, except for the last three words of her sentence. "blah blah blah blah cabbage patch kid." 

Isadora whispers to me, apparently the boy 2 seats ahead of us is called the Taco that sniffed the Cheese.No one knows why. I don't believe her.

Me- "Whats your name?"


You learn something new everyday.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

September 2, 2010


In the movies the popular girls are always described the same way. There are 5 of them or less. They have a leader, a pretty girl with good grades and great hair. Their are bossy and mean and 'perfect'. The rest of the school bows in fear, respect and admiration. Everyone wants to be these 5 girls. It never changes.

Maybe it's just me, maybe it's just my school but that just isn't right. There are two different types of popular girls at my school. The cliche cheerleader type and the punk girls.

The 'cheerleaders' travel in packs, like Velocirapotors. Their hair is always done, their nails always painted. They are nice, ferciely so. It's as though they can't go wrong.

The more punk girls, with colored hair and facial piercings, with skinny jeans and head phones, now these girls, these are the ones to be interested in. They are either horrid or sickly sweet under their heavy makeup. With them you can never tell.

But to be honest these girls aren't wearing pink plaid skirts and making you separate for them in the hallway. Because there are four types of people at my school, the popular ones, the unpopular ones, the followers, and then there's me, the oblivious and uncaring.

History Lesson #1- I used to have this friend in 3rd grade (the grade in which you finally get smart), Ariel, she was new to my school.

She wanted to go to Africa and help animals, she wanted to do everything. She had a family and dreams and long black hair she never wanted to cut. We became instant best friends. We would have fashion shows with clothes we had made from things around the house. She would give the best hand massages and I was the first person she told when her parents got divorced.

She cut her hair the summer before 6th grade.

I don't know what happened and quite frankly it doesn't even matter anymore. She sits in my group on geography but she doesn't talk to me and don't get me wrong she isn't mean to me, but I miss the times when we couldn't stop talking. She has this look now, this almost stupid, wide eyed look. She puckers her lips no matter what. I miss when she was herself.

Its a classic Disney story. I might as well call myself Lizzie McGuire and she can be Kate Sanders.

She's one of those punk girls. She walks linked arms with a girl with a nose piercing like a bull and girl who manages to have neon clothing even with an enforced uniform.

My 'pack' is made up of my best friend, Isadora, a petite dancer with huge feet. A straight-A student, Specs. The class president, Hilary and a snobby violinist named Lucy. Not exactly A list, but hey, what does it matter because according to the poster in the counselors office my hair, jeans and shoes wont matter in 30 years and that I should be myself.

I don't know when I got so tired or when I will finally get used to this routine. I slugged through the day and its a suprise that I made it to all of my classes with out passing out or just stopping in the middle of the hallway. The only great part of my day was at the very end.

It smells of sweat and plastic on the bus, and something uniquley middle school. Its to loud to think (didnt you hate it when teachers said that, geez, its never to loud to hear your inner thoughts.)

The bus is stopping and starting and its giving me a stomach ache. There are a group of drama and musical theater kids in the back. I never sit in the back, I don't understand the appeal. They are talking louder then necessary, because they're to important to keep an inside voice. They are swearing and you can hear it all the way in seat three left, that's me.

The bus driver is trying to calm them, shes a small women and her voice is to quite for a bus drivers,"Please watch your language."

She tries again, " Please watch your language,"

It's not working and all of us in seats 1 through 4 can tell this. That's when a boy diagonal to me screams,"Watch your f*cking language!"

And when the bus became silent I was the only one laughing, deserving a quick kick from my friend.

Best way I have ever ended my day.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

September 1, 2010


When I arrive at school, at 6:52, kids have already been filing in for at least half an hour. All of us must squeeze into the quad, which is entirely to small for 750 of us. I stand on the outskirts of the mass managing to fit between two sixth graders, one of them moving away as though I'm contagious and my loserness may rub off on her and her knee high socks. Fine. Her questioning looks don't even hurt me anymore, years of practice. I want to tell her this.

In 0 period Bernie keeps telling me I have duct tape on my back, until she realizes that I put my undershirt on backwards in the dark and the tag is very much visible through my white polo. It seems to disturb (you wouldn't believe how long it took me to spell disturb correctly) my other friend, Korola, that I make no move to go fix it. So to please her and end her eye rolling before she hurts herself, I put my sweatshirt on and go undress in the ladies room. Tip #1-Don't ever do this, its completely nerve racking. I mean there aren't any locks anymore, come on.

Ms.Heels is in one of her sarcastic moods today. The full time orchestra aid, which we were told would be here everyday is gone again. Called in sick, again. Ms.Heels has taken to calling her you-know-who. Its hard for me not to imagine her with out a nose and a bald head now.

I have to walk much more this year then the previous two. They seem to care only for the feet of 6th graders. I'm wearing new flats today, I'm in pain. I want to tell someone this also, but there's no one to tell.

World Geo was genuinely fun. Yes, fun! We had to make towers out of paper, no tape, no glue. The objective was to build the tallest tower, only you weren't allowed to talk to your group. How this relates to anything we will be learning in geography is beyond me. My group is made of my friend Specs, a popular boy in a cardigan and a girl who speaks in Face book fan pages. "Why cant we use our i pods? It's not like Eminem will be rapping me my test answers." I was surprised she didn't say thumbs up or down. Was I supposed to laugh?

In lunch I was yelled at by the custodian."Um, excuse me? Next time you finish eating your food or drinking your drink you need to throw it away not on my floor!" Why do custodian refer to the floor as thier floor?Possessive much? 

"Oh! Thats not mine!" Its a crumpled Coke can, I'm not allowed to have coke.

"Oh sure, next time throw it away!"

"Its- it's not mine! I'm not allowed to have caffeine until I'm seventeen, I'm not even allowed to watch TV on weeknights!" Its true but she won't believe me, she's seen to much from her years as a custodian, she knows what I could be, she trusts no one.

"Sure! Next time."

The encounter was pretty pathetic. I was laughed at, my friend reminded me of the time I was yelled at and told to spit out my gum even though I didn't have any. I pretended to so the teacher would stop reprimanding me. Also highly pathetic.

Story of my life.

3 days down.
177 to go. Wish me luck!