Blog Summary

I'm here to describe -and discover- the truth and humor and pain that is life in the 8th grade. Day by day.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

September 24, 2010

I tripped a girl on Friday... I feel pretty bad.

I was just standing there with my violin propped up on my leg, waiting for the bus to start letting us on. The straps always catch on things, but they were just laying on the ground. Which is when this group of girls run off the bus and one of them trips over the strap. She didn't teeter or try to catch herself. She just fell. Flat. Her friends ran over to help her and no worries she was fine. But I just kind of turned my case so the loose straps were hidden.

Today I went to see Easy A with my mom. Yup, that's how I spend my Sunday's, with my mommy. The movie was actually not that funny. Granted it had its moments, but the over all message wasn't supposed to be funny. It was rather serious. I really like Emma Stone, I think she has this presence and a really deep, funny voice. Just like Amanda Bynes, I love her voice.

While I like those two, there is a list of actresses I hate. I mean really dislike. And its not even their acting or anything. I just don't like them. Here's a few...
Sarah Jessica Parker
Jennifer Garner
Drew Barrymore (on occasions)
Debra Messing
Anna Hathaway

I just cant stand them.

I think I'm going to start making a list of my likes and dislikes because I'm always forgetting who I hate and who I think is decent. Geez.

I had a mini break down yesterday. And it was really mini. Ive had not so mini ones over really stupid stuff. I get really stressed and start to hyperventilate and crying and panicking. Its not pretty. But yesterdays was just a bit of a tantrum. I was reading every ones Facebook updates (I'm stalker like that, I don't post, I just scan through others and see what they are up too.) And I realized that everyone was doing something but me. I mean I make plans every weekend, but they never go through. And it made me really sad, my sister has more of a social life then I do and shes 9. She can also open the peanut butter jars, so she wins all around.

I was sick Thursday and Friday. My throat was scratchy and my nose was running. I didn't want to miss school, so I probably got everyone else sick, but whatever. The truth is that whenever I miss school I feel like something major happens while I'm absent. So I don't like missing a day. Which is odd, I know. I have tons of friends (that's a lie) that miss school to go to amusement parks and watch the Jerry Springer. I just don't get it.

Both Isadora and Bernie got asked out this week.

Bernie had been going on and on about this guy, who isn't that great and he asked her out. Here's a text convo between her and me after she tells me...

Bernie- He asked me out!
Skipping all excitement I reply- How?
Her- B4 5th!!!
Thinking- sense when do people still use the whole B4 thing.
Typing- That's so cool
Notice no exclamation points
Her- We are like BF and GF now, eep.
Thinking- Did she just reply eeps, hold on let me check this.
Typing- Don't you have to go on an actual date before your gf and bf, like multiple dates.
Bernie- Be supportive O
Me- sorry, I'm happy for you even if you aren't following the rules
Her- so we want to see a movie or get ice cream or something this weekend, I want you to come
Me- doesn't that, um, make it not a date.
Thinking- sorry, did you just ask me to be the 3rd wheel on your seriously miss matched bicycle?
Her- well my dad wont let me go out with a boy alone
Thinking- Light bulb!
Typing- So you want me to be your chaperon?
Her- No, well kinda.

Great. Aim high O!

Its not like Ive ever been on a date, or had a 'bf' or even been asked out but that's a little weird. And the problem is I'll probably be doing the same for Isadora.

More on her 'bf' tomorrow... he's a keeper. Preview- he dated her sister...

Got to get started on the Great Gatsby...until tomorrow.