Blog Summary

I'm here to describe -and discover- the truth and humor and pain that is life in the 8th grade. Day by day.

Monday, January 24, 2011

January 23, 2011

My 14th Birthday!
My mom reassured me, it was okay that I hadn't kissed anyone yet.

Remember that episode of Full House when DJ turned 13 and was freaking about her first kiss and then got it at the end? After we watched that last year my sister told me,'I was way behind,' What am I now?
On Friday I went home with Isadora and spent the night at her house.

We watched the Back Up Plan, Jennifer Lopez. I didn't like her until I saw Jersey Girl, and she had a tiny role in that. She hasn't aged like Cameron Diaz, but she does look different. The movie wasn't bad, compared to other romantic comedies that include children/babies/pregnancy (with an exception to Raising Helen.) But it was as though they had switched the typical roles in a romantic comedy. Like the boy character, a bachelor and proud had been switched to the girl and the girl, a women who wants to fix the man and is having troubles with her work or career was the guy. Like they had to because boys can't have babies. All in all it was very predictable. The single moment/romantic object/line that is found in each movie was a penny in this one. So they named one if the twins Penny. I hope this spoils the movies for you.

We also saw The Social Network. Isadora's sister said it was terrible, but she didn't understand it. I thought it was really good. I think everyone did a really good job in it and that the story, however true or false it was, was fascinating. I love those movies where they explain how something was invented. You could tell how he got the ideas for each of the things in the current Facebook. I also love it when there's a genius in a movie. Good Will Hunting for example. I can't explain it. I just do.

The next day her mom took us to breakfast and then she drove me home. And when I opened the door everyone said 'Surprise!'

That's right, my very own surprise party. How loved I felt.

Katlyn was there. Hannie was there. Isadora, her sister, my sister, Hilary, Specs, Korola and my two old kindergarten friends were there.

Only Bernie, Lola couldn't come.

It was a lot of fun. Movie themed and not as scary as I thought a party would be.

There was a personalized sign and little hangy things. There was popcorn and candy. No cupcakes though, because Issy's mom forgot them. But that's okay. Every thing's okay.

We started off by watching the Shining. At first we would laugh and then gasp and then scream. The only one who was calm was Hilary, who would speak simply to the characters,'Don't go in there, he's working' or 'Don't go down that hall again.' I was eating my pillow and hiding in Issy's back. She would tell me when I could open my eyes. At one point when the 'hero black man cook' was walking through the halls I was watching thinking he would save the day when Jack just jumped out and axed him like he was butter. I didn't see that coming.

Then we watched the Proposal. Which I've seen but Katlyn hadn't.
We played Headbandz, and made jokes about vibrators and suppositories (oh wait, that was my mom) and opened gifts. Mostly I got candy and gift cards. People don't know how to shop for someone who either says 'I'm out of cotton balls or I want Jupiter.'

For a while I had been wondering if something was up. And then all these clues and hints were being dropped.
1. Bernie asked me if I had seen the 2003 version of Peter Pan.
2. Katlyn asked me what my fav movie was.
3. Specs widened her eyes when something was said right when I came into class on Tuesday.
4. Korola called Isadora and Isadora hates Korola.

The thing was I didn't think it was actually happening. It was like I was making everything into something big, when it so wasn't. And I was afraid if I actually expected something I would get crushed if it didn't go through.

My mom was very proud of herself for leaving the house dirty until I left Friday so I didn't suspect guests were coming.

She made a big thing out of 14. I don't know why. To me this isn't a big one. It's just another one. Like 15 or 17. I don't feel like I can do anything special. It's not like my curfew is getting longer. My nonexistent curfew.

Is there Facebook etiquette for Birthdays? Do I have to comment on all of the merry wishes. Because I don't want to blow my own horn or anything but that would take forever.
Creepy Peter left me a message. I'm shaking my head as I type this. That's all I've got going for me right now.

And now I have to go to school and make sure I'm wearing my crown whenever Isadora can see me. The sacrifices we make for the ones we love.

Happy Birthday to me! Maybe this is my year! But maybe it's not.

My mom and your mom wear crocs.

PS- Picked out an outfit for my audition. Makes it all the more real.