Blog Summary

I'm here to describe -and discover- the truth and humor and pain that is life in the 8th grade. Day by day.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January 10, 2011

Eating healthy things dipped in chocolate makes me feel like I'm doing my part to keep polar bears alive and stop the wars.

I just finished studying Geo for the Geo bee tomorrow. I think the only thing I learned was like cacti over arboreal forests. And something about Ohio being more populated then____.Though if you ask me why I couldn't tell you.

Going through all these study guides (even the ones for the bowls or bee's that aren't for semester exams) makes me really take into question the actual intelligence of test makers. Did they major in deceiving children and italicizing conjunctions. They're the people who have the worst mid life crisis, their job sucks, their children no doubt hate them because of reason 1 and their wives are probably always having to do junk like this -
Wife-'Honey, do you know how Jamal's doing in school, he won't talk to me anymore?'
Test Maker of a Man- 'The distribution of Jamal’s high school grades by percentage of course credits is given in the circle graph below. What is Jamal’s grade point average if each A is worth 4 points; each B, 3 points; and each C, 2 points?'

They (being the same people who always say all those weird things like a cat may look like a kings but it can't change it's spots and a watched pot never boils) always gives tips on test, do this, don't do this. But there's really nothing that can save us from questions like this -

Give the antonym of the capitalized word- The bee went to its place under the flower and layed an EGG.

What? Is this some sick joke, next they'll tell me I'm being raised. As if.

They say read the questions first, they say eliminate, they say things such as 'have fun,' yeah fun's what were really having during these tests.

 Playing tests tomorrow and NJHS yearbook picture.

So the current book for book club is a science fiction novel, Ender's Game. I'm about half way through the 320 page novel, and book clubs on Thursday. I feel like Bernie. I was worried I wasn't going to like it, being science fiction. But it's surprisingly good. The characters and well developed, beyond anything I could have predicted, which may be the highest praise I can give (Like saying to the creators of Phineas and Ferb that between their show and Spongebob, they win.)  More on that later!

 I curled my hair though and it looks pretty nice. My goal in life is to look like a Nicholas Sparks character. That's it except maybe to take the nerdiest kid to prom. That would also make me feel like I'm saving polar bears. But then I think about it and some kid out their will probably pity ask me to the prom. So yeah, back to Nicholas Sparks. Aim high, I tell myself. Aim high.

I was thinking about it and my year is going pretty well. I figure I haven't gotten e coli poisoning, Ariel doesn't make me do her work by saying 'wanna be my best friend?', and I have yet to throw up at or in the vicinity of school. So this semester, I think, can be considered a SUCCESS! (whats the opposite part of speech of the capitalized word)

Does your mom wear crocs? Lucky fool....You don't realize how blessed you are...Appreciate!