Blog Summary

I'm here to describe -and discover- the truth and humor and pain that is life in the 8th grade. Day by day.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

October 1, 2010

Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

My weekend has been pretty crazy. On Saturday we went to Shakespeare in the park, Macbeth. It was loud and uncomfortable but still really fun. We ran into my old math teacher and ended up sitting directly in front of her. She is the youngest teacher I have ever had, at 26 or 27. She wasn't with her husband, but she was with a blond friend and her friends boyfriend. At one point in the show, I'm fairly sure it was the middle of Duncan's killing, I hear them laughing. I look back and they both have there pink and white iPhone out, "Look what he posted on Facebook!" Then after the show I hear them talking.
Blond-"You got home way after us!"
Boyfriend-"Yeah we were already asleep."
Both- "Naughty Ms.Smith, naughty naughty teacher!"

Oooh it was creepy. I love and hate seeing teachers after school, out and about being normal. Its just wrong. I want them to stay in the class room drinking out of chipped mugs and writing lesson plans that will always be done a day late.

Then on Sunday my family and Isadora and her mom went to this art fair. It was packed with 3 types. Moms, old people and kids. Just like farmers markets. It was a lot of fun. We took pictures and listened to her iPod. It  was raining for half of the time we were there. We looked pretty dorky in our hoods, but it was cool. I got a really cool bag and ate my first Connoli. We kept on pointing out things that were wins and fails. We saw this really cool adobe style home, win. We saw this car that's top slid into its trunk, win. We say this boy in a t-shirt that read, 'Im Awesome', win.

Friday was sluggish.

It started in English with Berni ranting as she does about meaningless things, things that have no effect on anyone. Do you think the color brown is a good nail polish color? Do you say it caramel or carmel? ooh apricot or apricot?

Then math, Hannie told me all about the concert she went to, she stayed up so late! Thank God for coffee! She continued to tell me about hemming her pants and buying knee highs. How interesting she is.

We have a math test, Unit 3, on Monday. She says we are going to go through 12 units this year. Why are we speeding through them? We'll have to do it all over again if we continue this way.

We got our seating in orchestra. As of right now I'm 2nd chair 1st violin in Chamber and 4th chair 1st violin in advanced. Pretty good. Of course Hannie is 1st in both, but she sucks at math. Probably because she talks to much. Why again do I attract the talkers? I need new friends.

We have this project in world geo. We get into groups of 6 or 7 and are assigned a state or province in the USA or Canada. We were assigned New England. I made a list, thats what I do, and gave everyone tasks. I might be a sort of dictator, but It's just that I don't trust them. I told them all sepretaly that I trusted them the most and told them to watch another person. Now everyones watching everyone else giving me secret eyerolls like, "Look how bad she is, no wonder you trust me the most." Works every time.

Oh I'm reading the comments on a class blog we have to do for Geo and Specs wrote this - @ hilary i totally agree with u

Come on man, she didn't spell out you or capitalize I. That's just so wrong! I told you I needed newe friends. You thought I was kidding.

I gave myself a time limit and this is it! Must go read. Until tomorrow. Not that anything will change.

Wait, now I jinxed it something majors going to happen now.