Blog Summary

I'm here to describe -and discover- the truth and humor and pain that is life in the 8th grade. Day by day.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

October 20, 2010

Rained today. Hard. Lightning, thunder, the whole works. My mom says I was a dog in another life, that's why I'm so afraid of it. Its not even the rain I'm afraid of, its the side effects. Or are thunder and lighting the disease and rain is a side affect? But I mean you can have rain with out those two, and you can have lighting and thunder without rain.

This girl (who likes good movies, she complemented my Star Wars shirt so I complemented her Rocky Horror Picture Show) actually asked someone to fix the lightning.

We had to take one test today and fill in two scan trons (the little bubbling sheets, for those of you who haven't spent a day in any school anywhere for the past few years.) It was okay, I mean I skipped two questions and ended up just putting C. Because when you don't know which answer is right, always go for C.

The art teacher, I had him in 6th and he said he would boost me from beginning straight to advanced but I ended up taking Chamber instead, came in and watched us while Ms.Bumpy Head went to the ladies room. He drew a giant triangle on the board and labeled the sides, 4, 3 and x. The he asked us to find x. Some people called out the right answer, which was funny. But then he drew an arrow to the x  and said there it is! I should have seen that coming. When he tried to erase it the ink wouldn't come of the white board,"Oh no! It isn't coming off! Geez, whats wrong with this board...okay it was Jose's fault. Agreed?"

Then in homeroom we had this sub that wrote her rules on the board and then all the consequences. She even told everyone to have something on their desk. It was like, just look like you're busy. Or at least that's how I heard it.

I played with Bernie's hair, because she asked me too and then because she had "knots" or "nots" or something I rubbed her shoulders. At one point we heard Ariel, her creepy mini me and some other girls talking about decorating the door. Another girl came up and asked if she could work on it. Ariel told her next week. Bernie turned to me and explained that they would end up working on the door tomorrow and Ariel only told the girl that because by next week she will have forgotten she wanted to in the first place.

Oh! Important- THE AID WAS HERE! In all her creepy glory, she watched over us and twitched, which I think was her way of showing emotion or something, it just looked like a twitch to me.

Me and Isadora got into this whole big discussion about Phineas and Ferb today on the bus. We were retelling episodes and funny parts and then we both couldn't remember the Fire Side girl's, the main one's, name. Blank. I tried to yell out to the bus, asking, but Isadora covered my mouth and whispered, "No, we are 8th graders, so no,"
In our attempt to figure out her name, we started listing the characters names-

Me- Ferb
Isadora- Phineas
Me- Candace
Isadora- Stacy, Jeremy
Isadora- San...Dang it I forgot another one!
Me- San? What?
Isadora- The little Indian kid
Me- Balgic
She couldn't even hold her self up she was laughing so hard,"Oh....I was....Saanjh...because..."
Me- You are so racist! That's like calling all Chinese people Lee Lee
Isadora- There's only one Lee
Me- Not if its there last name too.

We had to watch this special school news in homeroom. Minion one, the leprechaun, was talking about goals. Our school theme this year is Rock N' Roll. We all had to write our goals on little records, remember? Well today Ms.Leprechaun was sitting right by one. Acting all cool, as she turned it on. Mr.Nose must have brought it in from home.

Book Club tomorrow, on the Great Gatsby, finally. Its going to be small because only me, Hilary, Bernie, Specs and Mr.Mac can come. And maybe Philis. And only half of us read the book. I'm just hoping Mr.Mac doesn't forget to bring the snack. He was all, I could bring candy. I just bought a lot for my classes. I told him it was against the new safety rules, no candy (NJHS wasn't allowed to sell it.) He told me certain rules didn't apply to him. My creeper meter went off so I left. Just like yesterday when I asked my old history teacher if I could help him by grading papers, as community service, and he told me 'I'm sure we will find something for you to do' Ugh.

Something weird with the color azul happened today at lunch, but its really hard to remember what happens at lunch, ever. There's something in the water. I swear.

I have to go read the Hate List- its really crummy. I do not recommend it. Its like all the different cliches you can think off tossed in with some 'ands' and some 'thes' and called a novel. That sounded like something FacebookFanPageGirl would say. Who am I!?