Blog Summary

I'm here to describe -and discover- the truth and humor and pain that is life in the 8th grade. Day by day.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

October 21, 2010

I just finished and will continue to read about the Columbine High School massacre. Its not a happy subject, by any means, but I'm oddly interested. Just like I was interested in Charles Manson and the Family last year. Sometimes I feel guilty, being so interested by these gory, sick topics. I shouldn't be, what middle schooler is? But it isn't the gore, the killing that gets me. Its the killers. I am fascinated by Hitler, Charles Manson, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. Its just that they always have a story, one that's twisted and evil, but good in parts. Not every ones all bad.

Which is one of the only reasons I can stand the Hate List. It does not portray the killer, Nick Levil, as a completely evil person. You see his good side, his funny, charming, not murderer side in the memories of his girl friend. I know that come two weeks from today, when we are discussing the book in book club, I will be the only one who doesn't look at him like a monster. Even though he kind of is one. I think, maybe, the author is trying to get the reader to like him, just a little. Because how I see it, he was a victim too. And that is totally disagreeing with, well, everyone. But that's what I think.

My English teacher was absent today so we had this stuck up blond substitute. She was wearing pin striped trousers (God, I hate people who say trousers) and a button down lavender dress shirt, that was tucked in. And she was a pretty girl, really young too. Still in college, she said. Why is trying to age so fast? Then again I really shouldn't be talking because I'm a 'prude' according to my mother. But she also says she wished she had a sane boy. She is now complaining that my reader will think she is terrible. So fine *sigh* she didn't say anything mean, except this one time she told me I had no heart.

Shane talks in a really loud voice, all the time. Its like he missed the part in first grade where we all learned manners and the difference between inside voices and outside voices. Some things don't need to be screamed. Take singing the song, Show me your Genitals. That is a mistake, you know it wouldn't even help if that was in an inside voice. Today Shane pulls out his phone and says "Look at my phone!" Everyone turned towards the sub, and when he realized this he said, in an equally loud voice, "Which is off, please see me off of school campus to look at my new wall paper!"

Specs brought in a jumbo cupcake today. I was kinda surprised that it was almost intact. Usually she swings the bag she has them in around as she tells me she brought me a treat. Its like stop it! Like when people shack gifts, like stop! You were planning to use that right?

But then the weird thing is she didn't really offer me or Isadora any, after she told us she was sharing it with us. Okay, she had this slumber party this summer, where it was suppose to be spa themed. I could see 5 baskets of spa stuff, all different colors and she didn't end up giving us them! Like what is she doing with 5 pumas stones? Ive probably said this before, but geez, it gets me. Or, another example, she waits for us to walk to lunch with her and then when we start walking she races ahead!

You won't believe what I read in the Hate List. I want you to wait for this... a big build up...drum roll please....

Jessica Campbell's house smelled like vanilla. It was sparkly clean , just like the minivan her mom drove us home in, and the colors in it reminded me of commercials. We sat at the kitchen table eating soft pretzels that her mom handmade in anticipation to our coming home from school. She served them up on an oval platter, the Lords Prayer hand painted on it. Meghan and McKenzie were studying a magazine article on hair styles. We finished eating we moved upstairs to Jessica's bedroom where she turned on some song I didn't know. The four of them got up and danced, talking over the music and making squealing noises. Jessica's mom announced, smile pasted on over her perfect teeth, that dinner was ready and we headed down stairs to find homemade pizza on the counter. Three kinds. The crust was perfect, the veggies were perfect, the meat was perfect, to perfect to eat.

Realize that I cut and didn't copy it completely correctly. But I gave you her words.

Let me start off by saying Meghan, McKenzie? God, now that's perfect. The popular girls names are perfectly misspelled. Perfectly cheerleader. And whats with the perfect mother, perfect food and perfect house? Could they make this popular girl, Jessica, more of a stereotype. The answer? No, no they couldn't. Because her mom drove a minivan and her house smelled good! Her plates had Lords Prayer painted on them and she always ate lovely food! See if the author wanted to make this story better she would make this character have a not so perfect home life, I don't know a little conflict every once and a while?  And here's my favorite part...the girls squealing like pigs and dancing. Has the author, Jennifer Brown, never been to an actual slumber party? Does she believe girls do that kind of crap? Because we don't. Dancing and jumping out of no where...Jesus. I feel degraded by this chapter.

Me and Isadora have this one inside joke, among countless others, that sticks out the most. Its about the company Kroger. You know Kroger, you drink Kroger, you eat Kroger. And why is this funny you ask? Ill tell you person on the Internet, probably procrastination (that's why I'm here) because our parents very rarely buy brand name things. They do, but my mom mostly shops at organic only stores and her mom is always looking for sales. So whenever we have a non brand name thing or say a store brand name item we always say 'It isn't even Kroger!' There is no brand name lower then Kroger in our eyes. Its the cheapest of the brand names. So today she had a chewy bar that simply said in blue letters, Great Value! Which defiantly deserved an 'It's not even Kroger.'

Why do people feel the need to over share with me? I have a wedgie, I feel so gross, I'm on my period, my boobs hurt. Do I look like someone who cares? Its like thanks, I wanted to know that. I mean boys don't do that, why do girls? We certainty don't jump on beds like monkeys to Justin Timberlake (referenced in the novel as Jessica's fav!)

There's this one table in science that is full of cheerleaders. Like that is literally the only people who sit there. 3/4ths of them are blond and all of them have their green jackets on all the time. We had to play this jeopardy game to study for our quarter exam today and they all had to go up to read and answer a question.they were all really quiet so Shane yelled, or to him I suppose talked reasonably, "Why can't I hear you?Aren't you all cheerleaders? You should best be working on that?!" And it got even worse because they were so confused by the question their faces all took on this one manicured eyebrow up, mouth puckered look. "Look how confused they are!"

Have I told you that? That I can tell how a person is feeling from their eyebrows. Whether there done or not, if they haven't been done in a while. Its  all there, you just have to look. I'm telling you and I only lie on Thursdays. Oh wait...Didn't you hate it when teachers did that, like 'She doesn't bite, only on insert day it is here!

Book club was today. It was only me, Specs and Hilary. Rather sad really. We talked about the Great Gatsby and Specs was totally inappropriate and I admitted that I only called Hilary Smart One last year  because I didn't know her name. She gave me a dirty look. Oh and I pretended to have a phone call, to seem cool. That is the story of my life, pretending to look cool. I almost just typed 'And it works!' But that would be more pretending.

I'm excited I'm saving up for some T shirts that I think are funny. I will post links tomorrow!


Be honest you were a little disappointed by the 'xoxo.' Yeah you were.