Blog Summary

I'm here to describe -and discover- the truth and humor and pain that is life in the 8th grade. Day by day.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

January 31, 2011

I found out today that my mom is an awful joker. Apparently when she was still working in theater she had a coworker, 30, who was dating an 18 year old girl. Once, when she did the sound checks she turned on Young Girl by Gary Puckett really loud and got chased by him. And then he went on to picket on the stage or something. Those hippie's.

But at least it's better then when my old looking English teacher tells us about her rebellious days. It's so sad making, hearing about how she would spook students on the campus of her college. Because she gets so excited.
Like when she told us about the medal and pins for reading the most books this year. Specs is throwing a fit,'I've got 150!!!!' And me and Bernie keep making fun of it. And then there's my teacher talking about how awesome the pins are!

 "Young girl, get out of my mind, my love for you is way out of line!"
Sing it sister!

I love it when people say things, like that, when there's no reason for them or they don't make sense in the context of the scene.

I'm sitting there with Bernie, whose telling me about her bed bugs in her brand new RC Willy mattress and Ryan comes up and says,'Fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice, shame on you,' What?

Stressed about your homework?
'Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change.'
And they always say these things like they're fact. It's like those girls who carry their vampire books around over their chest, they are so important and they read.

But when you mess up in a situation you feel really stupid. I tried to start a slowly building up clap in the chamber of secrets but then it was just me clapping and everyone else looking at me.

My teacher is crap.

I hate her and she hates me. For some reason we make each other very angry. The day of the concert I handed in my note to leave early and so did a few other girls. Then as I was doing it Hannie walked by, said,'Oh I don't have a note but I'm leaving early!' Not even an explanation or a 'I was going to leave early.' Just fact and then Ms. Heels smiled and said, and I kid you not,'That alright you don't need one.'

I wasn't angry at first and then it built in me like the beanless chili they serve in the cafeteria. "You don't need one!"  But we all do? And the sad thing is that if I hadn't come with a note, and had told her this without Hannie at my side I would have had to stay till midnight at the school with everyone else.

And then, because she just won't stop getting on my nerves, I told her that the people playing the hard obbligato part on the new song were going to be me, Hannie, Phylis, Tim, Juan and Kristina. She then had us all play it, kicked out everyone but me and Hannie and then, the nerve of her, kicked me off too. Saying the part should be a shimmer, not so strong.

For some time we've been having this feud. I wouldn't have a fit if any other teacher hated me, but strangely I'm okay with her disliking me. Perhaps it's my inner Blair Waldorf, or even Rachel Berry.
She was telling us to play Sweet Dreams (which subconsciously I have started to call Bad Dreams) and told us to play it like the Marilyn Manson version, bad and rock starish. I said promptly, 'That version was crap.' She just looked at me and I regretted saying it, but that was the last time I regretted talking back to her.

She's to much of a softy with the 'good' ones to send us out. I'd be expelled if I had the band teacher, or even choir.

I love how Specs makes everything I don't care about 3 times worse. She wants to get all the points she can for reading AR books, she can't fail this online vocab test (the one I guessed on,) boys, clothes, washing your hands, blowing your nose.

As some kind of teacher bettering program we switched science teachers today. Everyone hates Mr. Konan, the other teacher who we had today. He's fast talking and treats us like were students, not friends as my teacher does.
Everyone wrote that he sucked on their critic sheets, but I had no problem with the lesson. In fact I loved it. Well, everyone else said it was too fast I said stop eating so much candy and keep up fools! He wasn't even that fast.

Spec's nearly cried though, it was all about the periodic table and we were given sheets to color. For some reason she was flipping out over the coloring. I had Katlyn color mine, I was writing the information he was giving us, about electrons in the outer shell, not what color was non metals.

Some people need some priorities.
All of her goals are seriously in the wrong order. She's still in the Notebook houses with wrap around porch and 2.4 kids stage of day dreaming.
I'm much father ahead, into in Madrid with Ellen and Jane. (Yeah that's right were on a first name basis now.)

My sister found out Sponge bob was a boy yesterday.
Jesus Christ...