Blog Summary

I'm here to describe -and discover- the truth and humor and pain that is life in the 8th grade. Day by day.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Febuary 8, 2011

I'm sure you can all recall your first crush. Your first boyfriend. Your first kiss.

And while I can't say anything about the later two, I can certainly remember my first crush.
The curtain opens to a black stage. A small, frizzy haired girl of 9 stands at stage left looking onto the backdrop of Seattle Washington.

The long road trip had left her tired and anxious, and that's when Sandy walks on.  A women that would take this young girl on fishing trips and forever stay in her mind.

Yes, this was my first crush. What does this make me a homosexual as the teenagers with their music say? Maybe.

What was the point of the flashback demonstrated in paragraphs 2 and 3?
A. In order to show the authors deep feelings
B. In order to show the authors longing for her early childhood.
C. In order to portray how freakin' awesome her life is.

And as you know. The answer is always C.

I nearly passed out in 3rd period. Hannie had to hit me to perk me up, while I was playing the violin. While. Something about Bach man.

So I didn't go to NJHS so that I could go to bed early what with the proficiency writing exams tomorrow. That should be interesting.

Issy was back and on steroids. I guess her pancreas or right lung was swollen or something. She kept coughing on me and telling me,'Fool, you can't catch asthma.'

Whenever she comes back it's like she's made 50 more memories she has to share. So I heard all about her first time in Jordan's room. All about his tiger blanket and Styrofoam cutout guitar. All about the mirror on his wall that has a village depicted on it and lights up when you look into it. How that mirror sometimes scares him when he forgets to turn it off.

I couldn't refrain from reminding her that she has a clay horse head on a stick in her room.

We also got report card's today. I got strait A's and they give out little bits of subs for the strait Aer's. I always want to not take my lunch on those days, but then I feel like the day I don't take my lunch I'm gonna have like one B or something. That's the way the world works.

Bernie was gloating in 0 hour about how she will get a free lunch and I turned around and scowled her.
Me- Stop that, it's rude. Don't be so full of yourself.
Bernie- This from the one who always answers compliments by saying 'Babay, I Know'.
Lola- Baby I know.
Me- Both of you shut up.

And then me and Lola did our hand shake where I put my two white hands on the top and bottom of her brown hands and then say Quarter Pounder. And then we switch and I say Double Stuff. It's all very racist.

Speaking of racism, or not really, because I have no segue into this. We were talking at dinner and my sister mentioned how the principal had told the boys to wear all red on Friday and the girls all pink for Valentines Day. I said that she shouldn't have put genders on the colors, and simply told them to wear the colors. And then I started to think about sex changes, because I'm only a teenage girl. And then about the one girl who looks and acts like a boy in my health class.

How she dated one of the cheerleaders in 7th grade. See when this girl came in 7th grade from out of state she never had to be a girl. No one had had PE with her and this one cheerleader, Barnie, went after her. And then on the first day of PE, I'm fairly sure they were still an 'item,' Barnie walked into the locker room and said something like,'Hey, what are you doing in- Whoa.'

She doesn't talk about it any more.
God, times are good.

They gave out those ugly ArmStrong type bracelets for like not shanking anyone for a full semester and I usually throw them away, but I had to keep this one. It's rainbow swirl and says All Shapes, All Sizes, All Colors, All Special.

So remember that little rubber message. Even if you look like Urkel or Nokki Fuller.
(Who makes that stuff? What do you do for a living? I, uh, design motivational, bracelets. You? Working on that whole cancer cure thing, you've heard of that?)

PS- My mom didn't get the two socks joke either. She was just like,'I don't get it, like in his pants?'
So take a tip from my mom and put an extra pair of socks in your pants. God, she's creepy. Who, who would even say that? In his pants?!