Blog Summary

I'm here to describe -and discover- the truth and humor and pain that is life in the 8th grade. Day by day.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

February 16, 2011

Slow news day.

Other then the fact that Issy was much to close to the edge today, and that I bit my cheek about 11 times in total, the day was, simply, normal.

I rode the bus to school.
I  bit my cheek.
I made fun of a lot of people, it turns out I'm beginning to underestimate a lot of people's intelligence.
Real fruit smoothies were introduced at the snack shack. Big deal.
I bit my cheek.
Emoticons rule my life.

Issy was on thin ice today. And she kept whispering me that as something would happen.
Her and Jordan had their first fight. Not as big a deal as the smoothies. She told him to stop complaining about bullying because no one was really mean to him, he was just too sensitive. He started to cry. He told her to be honest, what else did she think. She said he 'bitched' too much. He cried more. (I hear they have smoothies!) He told her she was his problem.
He said we complain about him when all three of us are together and then he didn't try to talk to us on the bus. Like when Specs tells me to wait to walk with her and then speeds off without me once we are out of the doorway. 

It was skirt day. And I looked good. Oh, humble you say? Baby I know.

Most of the people I hang out with wore skirts.

And it inspired me. To take on my fears. I'm not gonna confront feet or my fear of getting into a car with my left foot. Something simple. Like spiders.

And my fear of wearing skirts and dresses in public. I feel exposed, vulnerable. But inspired by the pressed lemon of Glee (Quinn Fabray) I have decided to dress in sundresses and pretty florals and even, and get this, ruffles.

It will be my high school look. My middle school tramples on our creativity with polo's and the colors they wore on MASH.

But we have smoothies.

There were posters all over the school. Nice professional posters. Yet, we can't seem to get heat or toilet paper (you have to bring your own.)

I saw Mr.Nose reading one, while eating an ice cream and his 7 Lean Cuisine meals.
Oh, and a diet soda.

See I just can't see Jenny Craig recommending being on 3 different diet plans at the same time.

But I can't judge. Why is it that the ones who are so exposed to the most open minded stuff are always the most judgmental!?

List your queerities.
And then feel sorry for yourself.
That's how I pass the time.

Have a good day!

I said good day!