Blog Summary

I'm here to describe -and discover- the truth and humor and pain that is life in the 8th grade. Day by day.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Febuary 3, 2011

Bernie did end up making cake for book club. Only she added a lot of water to make up for the missing egg and then fell asleep on them on the bus so they turned out to be half dirt, half brownie-like nuggets. But I was immensely proud of her.

Book club itself was fairly bad. We hardly talked about the book, though Ryan and Hilary and me all tried. No one seemed interested. Mr.Mac had moved book club so late because he had just moved into his house, got a dog and was so tired he couldn't finish it in time, and then what do you know? He doesn't have the novel finished, Ender's Game. I could have slapped him, and he kept correcting me, which made me embarrassed. I hate being embarrassed. I wish I could take it all very gracefully. I better watch some more Ellen videos. She's always graceful, even in battle.

Bernie stayed in the back and dealt with her high school applications, while she kept correcting everyone about the fact that her snack wasn't brownies it was cake!

By the end Mr.Mac had pulled out his Chuck Norris quote books and kept reading them aloud and then I had to laugh because he would look up and wait to see our reaction,'Chuck Norris solved the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle with the Pythagorean theorem.' Ahahahahahahahah! Good one!

Now I could talk about this forever, but I won't, because I like you more than a lot of people.

And you know, Ms.Heels has been on my nerves for quite some time. For some reason she acts like if you aren't Hannie, you just aren't. Or you belong in detention. She can watch Hannie eat a cookie and then scream and shout at Tim for chewing gum in the same class period.

And it's not that I'm jealous of Hannie being Ms.Heels number one, it's more the fact that there is a number one. And then 249 number 99s. It's unfair and aggravating and I constantly rewrite what I would yell at her if I ever had the chance.

But I'm a student and that comes first, above getting my 'justice.' I just wish she would stop. She yelled at us for so long and so hard the violist in my team left in tears. It's just not the way to teach.

So I'm in a bad mood from that. And it sort of set the tone for my whole day.

We all had to go to testing homeroom today to get use to the route change for next week's proficiency writing exam. I got Ms.Blue.

There are some teachers that are so different from their rumors it's crazy. And then their people who fit their gossip perfectly. Ms.Blue did exactly what she's known for. She talked to the walls. As though they were human. As though she was a wall.

I found it amusing and depressing at the same time. And then I turned to tell my imaginary friends about it and they thought it was hilarious.

We had to read essays about how great summer was. It was rather pathetic. Like the emo books Issy's mom buys her, she's currently choosing between a book called Dark Knight and Shipwrecked, oh and The Eye. Or being able to recite the funny State Farm commercials where the guy is different causes of accidents. Or putting 69 and song quotes in your user names.

I talked to Hilary about the semi formal today. Jordan asked Isadora to go with him. A little early considering it's at the end of the year, but sweet still. Now she's pepped about dress shopping and such. I used to be so sure I wanted to go and now I'm questioning that. Do I really want to? Issy's going to be with her boyfriend all night. Bernie will be with her popular friends. And that leaves me, Specs to babysit (she spits on herself like a child) who has been picking out dresses at David's Bridal for years. Add that to your pathetic list.

But then again I have a thing for masquerades. How many times have they been on Gossip Girl? And the masks seem to hide my flaws, which I appreciate. Though it's not a masquerade for sure. The other big option is Romance in Rome. Which puts a lot of emphasis on getting a date.

As I said before it's held at the Italian-American club down the street, yet everyone's voting for Mexican food to be served. What, are they stupid? The Italian American club obviously would serve the best Chinese food.

The sign outside the place use to say EAT DRINK GAMBLE. Then it said EAT DRINK. And now you can only EAT there. And the list shrinks still.

Bernie was explaining to me how she just got pretty this year and how she couldn't ruin that by having straight teeth or being able to see. She talked about buying a car and how she would drive everywhere she wanted by the times she was 16. How she wanted a blue this, and a red that. How she wanted a tattoo there and a piercing here.

And then I started to think about how when I went over to her house, that one time, we spent 2 hours on hair and makeup to take 10 Facebook photos. I just don't get it. And it makes me sad, that I can't relate to these girls that I'm the closest to.

See, I want to save up for college, something that could get me a great job, that could buy me 4 cars. And I do my hair, but it isn't so that I can make out with the neighborhood boy and hate him for weeks later.I want the back of my ear, to be the color of the front of my ear, not tattooed with roses for every ranch-dressing-loving child I have.

Because 1 isn't the loneliest number. It's just you, no one to mess that up.
99 is the loneliest number. Everyone's paired up. And then there's 99, all by itself, watching 98 and 97 talking about class and 96 and 95 discussing hair products. And 94 and 93 color coordinating for the dance.

Someday 99 finds 100. But how often do you see something sold for $100. You don't. You see $99.99.

Now that's pathetic.