Blog Summary

I'm here to describe -and discover- the truth and humor and pain that is life in the 8th grade. Day by day.

Friday, February 11, 2011

February 10, 2011

Hello world!
I just had 3, whole, chocolate chip cookies and I feel gooooood!

Let's start off with a Paper Towns book update, because I do that now. I'm about 60 pages from the end and I think I've picked up 2 or 3 different car games to play on road trips. The book is now set on the road, a 21 or something hour long trip (I can't really remember) and it has also gotten a lot funnier. Don't get me wrong, it was funny to begin with and it had its few slow parts, but now it's all funny. Every line. Even the serious ones are laced with humor.

Remember when I talked about the characters in King Dork being highly unstereotypical? Paper Towns is the opposite. The two best friends are exactly the best friends you have in TV shows and other novels. One's a high tech nerd and the other's a 'pimpin,' sarcastic, rude nerd. And then you have the main character who is mellow and smart and well main charactery. But the characters are far from bad. They're amazing, their dialog and voices are unique, even if their overall main ideas aren't. See what makes them great characters and unlike the ones put into all the other teenage realistic fiction I've read, is their details.
Radar's parents have the worlds largest collections of black Santas and Ben calls all women, even his mom, honey bunny's.

And even during the slow parts you don't want to stop because you know there's meaning in what you're reading, and though most of us hate having to think, it makes us.

I think I have to add John Green, the author, to my faves list.Watch out Markus Zusak! What!?

That was cheesy. My apologies.

I didn't end up going to the game because I was only going to see Issy and she left school in the early morning. Apparently she went home and went to the doctor who gave her this machine that she has to be on every four hours for however long. She won't be at school tomorrow either.

All the cheerleaders were complaining in science because they couldn't do certain things without her. I told them about her health, all the swolleness and they told me she needed to be more committed to cheer, it's so important.

In fact the usually half decent cheerleaders were mean (and by that I mean more teasing) to me today. The one I worked on the roller coaster project with kept putting me down (that's what the counselors say) and told me she always started to twitch when I came over. And then she would fake twitch.
I had to give it back a little. Twitch.
Me- I know what your doing your trying to make me feel like because of my test scores I don't fit into society like I should.
Nichole- I know what your saying I'm saying. You think I want you to fit into my standards.
Me- No, incorrect. I don't want to fit into your standards. I like where I am. I'm here, and your down there. I like my standards actually.


And then I had to give it back a little more.
Nichole- Don't you even go up to the teacher's desk and ask her questions every ten minutes and tell her about your life and-
Me- 1. I actually have questions to ask when I go up to the teachers desk. 2. People who go up to the teachers desk don't have lives to talk about.

I really thought I got her with that last one. Kinda back fired.

So you know that I don't like the idea of bucket lists because A. They all end in disappointment. and B. People spend to long compiling them to do anything. But I must admit I have a small one in my head. And today I mentally scratched something off.

Every year the cheerleaders sell candy cane reindeer and NJHS sell plush roses. I always buy at least one and send them to myself from a fictitious character. In 6th grade it was Chuck Bass, of Gossip Girl. 7th it was Harry Potter. And today I successfully sent myself a plush rose from Holden Caulfield.

My motto is 'Aim high!'

Without Issy I realized that she does all the talking at lunch and things with Specs were even more awkward. She got on the phone at one point and started saying things at odd intervals and random things and I knew for a fact she wasn't on the phone with anyone. That she had practiced this in her head last night. How did you know yous ask? I do the same thing all the time. Only I do it to get away from conversations, not start ones because I have no one else to talk to. My imaginary friends are there for that. Duh.

That German kid pulled up my shirt today. And I know what your thinking you dirty dirty people. It wasn't like that. No, he only pulled a little and it only showed my hip, kinda. What happened was I was talking to someone and I felt him grab it. I pulled it away and he looked mortified. He kept saying sooooo sorrryyy. He said he thought I had a shirt on under it. I proved I did and it got caught on my sweater so all he saw was a tad of skin. He was so embarrassed. It was hilarious. I told him I felt violated and fake cried a little.

Only the really sad thing is that's the only 'action' I'm gonna get all year.

No just kidding. Don't buy drugs kids, become a pop singer and they give you them free. Name the movie?
But seriously don't go on dope or get pregnant. It really kills your chance of falling in love with Justin Beiber.

Don't even say,'I'm a boy, I don't have a stalker crush on Justin Beiber.' Because we all know you do. Everyone does.

My mom's enforcing a bed time tonight.
So I hope you have fun on your fun packed weekends. Just think of me at the gym with my mom and stop for a moment and try not to twitch.

PS- We were in the library today, god only knows why, in Geo and my teacher kept whisper whining to me about how she hated that the librarian always yelled at her to get quiet. She said she wanted to knock her head into the wall. I told her that would make too much noise. She called me a smart a**.

Feel the love.