Blog Summary

I'm here to describe -and discover- the truth and humor and pain that is life in the 8th grade. Day by day.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Febuary 2, 2011

83 days left of school.

My day's, lately, have been crazy busy. I can't keep my phone from ringing, you know how that goes. My social life doesn't sleep! But seriously, I've been getting so many calls and texts it's beyond...I'm sorry, I'm even laughing.

My phone calls are usually like this-
"Korola, Korola, we've done this before. Yes, yes I know you're home alone. Alright, listen closely, pressing the up button on the thermostat does not turn up the air."

Homeroom was fun, but only because Bernie was there. If she wasn't it would have been torture, it was Spec's birthday but I just kept saying Happy Groundhogs day (he saw his shadow and flipped out, by the way) and I didn't have a book to read so I had to read off Ariel's phone and the only books she had were- Glass (the second book in that series I started about suicide and cutting,) Whinnie the Pooh and Alice in Wonderland. Aw, how we've fallen.

Mr. Nose was on the morning news talking about bullying and cyber bullying. Unfortunately a poorly made power point isn't going to stop it's subject, and neither will any of the tips he gave.

The only funny thing was that in the background they played One is the Loneliest Number, which I thought was hilarious in a little bit sadistic way.

We watched Food Inc. in health, I've seen it like 5 times. Even wrote an essay on it. By now i know when to close my eyes and can still recite whats going on. Apparently we are also going to watch Super-size Me, I can't wait. I haven't seen that. I like watching other people get uglier, that's what it's about right. Is that wrong of me? In fact I've seen very few documentaries. I watched one called American High. It was badly made, supposed to look worse quality then it actually was, but I think it depicted high school fairly well.

I think I need to make a list of my favorite movies to share at share and tell. I really do.

A lot happened today, but very little of it happened to me.
There was a basketball game and the boy's finally won. And I mean this is like that old man fishing in the Old man and the Sea, it had been a long time.
The opposite of the girls, who have never lost. The coach told me this morning, while searching on someone else's desk for scissors (she said it was like lost and found) that there was no such thing as winning to much. My new personal motto.

Everyone's getting Valentines and posting about it on Facebook, as though we all cared. It is times like these that I wish there was a dislike button. I would be on all those little long-lashed, hair lipped fools number one followers.
Had a good holiday. Dislike.
Playing with my dogs in the park having soooo much fun! Dislike.

Weirdest thing happened today. Mr.Shampow told us today that if we only ate one big meal a day out bodies would store that energy just in case we needed to run from a dog.
So there I was walking home, and then the attack of the chihuahua started. It saw me from afar, it said something to it's buddies. Said something in my direction with a George Lopez accent and then ran after me. All around my ankles. I don't know what his main goal was, but I swear to God Mr. Shampow is physic and I don't know if you know this, but so am I.

Well I can see the path someone is on currently on, not the path they're going to be on. Oh wait that's that stupid Stephanie Meyer character who has a crap talent. Some vampire God does not like her,'Yeah she has to have a power, um lets make her see the present, see how that works out.'

Fiction is cruel. Look at Harry Potter. Harry ended up with a hot little sister and Ron ended up with frickin Hermione. Life is truly unfair.

But then again. I'm here, so someone up there knows what there doing.