Blog Summary

I'm here to describe -and discover- the truth and humor and pain that is life in the 8th grade. Day by day.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving Weekend

Thanksgiving weekend is never a good weekend. You can feel it really,it is hard to detect under the smell of turkey and stuffing (soggy croutons if you ask me) and the tension in laws usually bring. When I was in the first grade all the first graders did this feast thing where one class was pilgrims and the other was Indians. I was so excited, we even bought green beans for the meal. But then I found out we were leaving school early and I would miss the party to go out of town. I was utterly crushed, I mean we got green beans, ones I would never taste. That experience has ruined Thanksgiving for me, because you know what my parents did? They told me I could go next year, but wait, its only for 1st graders, which I didn't realize until the next year. No, its never a good weekend.

But no I'm just kidding, Turkey Day was good, I didn't get to watch as much of the parade as I would have liked. I usually like watching all the colors and the floats and the stars. Its kinda fun, but I slept in. My mom was felling crazy I guess, so that was the only bad thing, getting yelled at for every little thing. Then we made our way over to my grandmas with lots of food. None of which I made. I don't know if I'm mentioned this but I am a terrible chef. I get distracted. I mix up teaspoon and tablespoon. Whatever, details.

My dog is over weight, so I took him on a walk, not without persuasion, but again details. I kinda let him lead, I just turned where he wanted me to turn. And it was pretty chilly for where I live. So I had this white knit hat on over the bun in my hair and I thought I looked very New York funny, but I doubt people who actually look like that try or even tell themselves they look that way.

Maybe this is my pervert or stalker coming out but I love seeing people in their homes. I like looking through open windows with false yellow light coming from it and watching the people inside. Its just so...well I really don't know. But its like I'm getting a taste into someone else's life, something I will never be part of. Knowing they have no idea who I am, where I came from. Me, not having the answers to those same questions about them. Its just the present, because I will never know their past or future. And that would ruin it. Its like a story, but only a page. A few words about a grandchild in her grandmothers lap or two little boys racing around while their mother was in the kitchen. About old friends or new ones, I honestly don't know.

And I hate not knowing usually, just like I hate surprises. Because I'm one of those people who wish for no shockers, for everything to be as planned. Which will no doubt come to haunt me someday. But then again, reading this, I know it'll happen, so nothing will have changed.

Went and saw Harry Potter with Issy and the fam. God, I hate the word fam. It was good, or at least I thought it was. It made me want to reread the novel though, because I felt like I was missing things, forgetting. But I probably won't have time because of book club. Speaking of, it's this Thursday and I have yet to finish the book. I am the Messenger is brilliant, but I have not had time. To busy watching what seemed like 7 Bill Murray movies this weekend. I think he's brilliant, too. I like him, Billy Crystal and Robin Williams. Aren't they kinda like each other?

One of those movies was called The Royal Tenenbaums. It had Ben Stiller in it, so automatically I was like not gonna happen. Like when I see a talking animal movie with George Lopez in it, wait what talking animal movie is he not in? So I was standing in the kitchen, feeling really chatty. And I asked my mom what her favorite Ben Stiller movie was, we laughed and I said something like trick question. And then, feeling chatty, I went on to tell her this. "I use to think Ben Stiller was the same guy who wrote Good Will Hunting. Then I saw the movie and was like whoa, plastic surgery and brain surgery." I think she pretended to laugh, I love my mom.

My Thankful For List
I am thankful that I am healthy
I am thankful that my family is mostly healthy
I am thankful that I have a want
I am thankful that I have some amount of talent
I am thankful for my luck
I am thankful for my past
I am thankful for the fact that my future is still mine and blissfully empty as of right now

Maybe you don't know what I mean, like what are you talking about want. I'm smiling as sick as that probably is, but think about it. What would happen if you didn't want anything. Probably be writing to no one online, you say.

I always want to wear scarves, but I don't know how to work them.

Specs made her high school audition for the 29th of January, not the 22, just in case she was invited to a birthday party of mine. My birthday is the 23, and let me just say, that's just sad. I mean some things are funny for a while and then become sad, but this, this never was funny.

I was trying to think of a word that was something complicatedly beautiful for my essay in English, but I couldn't so I turned to Bernie, not my brightest idea. This is what she told me,'Complication means drama, drama means bitch, bitch means ugly, sorry no such thing,' You have to admire her logic. Or not, because I can't find a word.

 I know what you must be thinking, what kind of 8th grade blog is this. This story, this blabbering is dull. Not at all like 8th grade. Your thinking, In 8th grade I was kissing boys and holding hands and writing names on my binder. Giving myself a Mrs. in front of my name. Its not like I'm leaving some huge boy filled piece of my life out of this, because you can't leave out something you don't have. I haven't really had a crush and only one boy has had a crush on me all year. Sorry, I was just observing my friends. With their boy friends and first kisses. And I thought to myself, I am going to be the Katherine Heigl of reality. But I am so strangely okay with that fact.

My little sister put up the Christmas tree while I was at Isadora's and I didn't really get angry or anything. Because what I do every year is the train around the tree. We put this little wooden train track and little figures, that don't go with the set like M&M's and the Grinch, and because of my amazing sense of humor its always really cute and funny if you look at it. So I still have to do that.

I blew out my hair for the first time. Or maybe I didn't, if its blown out does it have to be straight because I blew mine out to be curly at the ends. It looks awesome! I am so proud of myself.

I think my imaginary worlds and friends are spoiling me.

I can not wait to tell everyone about my 'brother' who came in for Thanksgiving. Or maybe he didn't because I kinda want him here for Christmas. This makes me sound way to crazy. You belong with Specs in her padded cell.

All my love and hope that you had a great Turkey Day (or not because I'm a vegetarian)....but no hope or love to your croc wearing mom.

Omg, they made a modern day Wuthering one tells me anything.