Blog Summary

I'm here to describe -and discover- the truth and humor and pain that is life in the 8th grade. Day by day.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

November 16, 2010

I find I love Bernie's company so much that I hate it whens she's absent. The empty chair, and room around me. The silence almost unbearable. No softball news, no mean girl updates. Just learning.

Today was not one of those days.

I don't know why but our two seats never have the required books already placed on them so its a battle to see who will get up first and go get them. Usually someone else near by, who is tired of us, will go get us a pair. But then we get harassed and guilted and it's a bigger pain then getting up anyway. So today, unlike her constant chatter, the books were gone and we both said something along the lines of, "Why is it that we are the only ones who have to get up!?" See it really isn't about the books, its about out pathetic laziness. Its sad really.
Bernie, I swear, I got them yesterday..
No you didn't, I remember I did because Mariah tripped me..
Mariah isn't in this class, you fool...
Well, she tripped me sometime, and I got the Macbeth's anyway..
The readers are heavier, I'm not stupid...
They're not that bad...
Then go get them..
Look they've started...
Doesn't matter, we don't have books...
You get them tomorrow...

And set with our books, at last. We managed to learn about the, an, and, and adjectives and their many powers in the world of 8th grade English. Personally I like adjectives. And then on to Macbeth, which we really haven't touched in far too long. Its like wait who again is Macbeth? What did he do? Like whenever we see the principal. Wait we have a principal? Hey look there's a new kid, oh no wait! Look, I told you she wasn't dead? Who's that?

Bernie was on some rant about how she hated that all the terrible readers were always chosen, and then stumbled over their parts words. Its like a law, though, you can't really fight it. The crummy readers are the ones who get the crucial monologues. This class has ruined Shakespeare for me, I'm afraid if I try to read it I might start to stutter, just out of the habit of hearing it for 3 years. "God look who she picked, he doesn't know the meaning of negotiate."

So naturally Specs was chosen and Lola. Lola starts to read the part of Macbeth, blah blah blah witches blah kill blah ghost blah and here it comes the word that she gets to, that everyone gets to, that they can't pronounce. Covey. Okay, so she says cavey. And then this happens.
Lola- Um...cavey
Specs- Its couvey.
Bernie- What, no. Cuvey.

The people who correct other people incorrectly are worse then the ones who think they can enunciate. That's why this planet is crammed with the wrong kind of people. It's those idiots who tell others that the wrong stuff is right. Lola will never correctly pronounce covey, neither will her children or theirs. Its an endless cycle. Endless, but not beginning less. Specs is to blame when that word is never spoken as it should for the rest of time.

 Hanceforth be eeerls, the first that ever Scotland
 In such an honor nameded.  What’s more to to do,
 Which would be plunted newly with the t-t-time,
 As calling home our exiled friends abord abroad
 That fled the snares of watchful tiirranny;
 Pruaducing forth the c-c-cruel meenistersss
 Of this dead butcher and his fried, no, fied-like queen,
 Who, as ‘tis thought, by self and violent hands
 Took of, of, off her life; this, and what needless, ful else
 That calls upon us, by the grace of Grace of,
 We will perform in miuasure and in on place.

I mean I can do better than that and I suck at oral reading. I mean bad. My mom taught me as a young child that the was and, and was of, of was it, it was off and so on. I don't know why, perhaps a sick sort of social experiment. See how I would turn out, but I still mix them up when reading aloud. I'm fine in my own head but I always confuse people with things like, Mary the Amy went off and store so buy chicken. 

But I have reasons, whats the reason for reading banish, bamish? Ha, I don't think so.

Random Question- Is it wrong that I love when this goes down?
Teacher- Okay Specs, you go get some new batteries.
Bon Qui Qui- Who's Specs? Ain't no Specs in this class?
Specs- Ive known you for 4 years.
Bon Qui Qui- What? Is that her...

We got our report cards today. Its true that's really all that 8th grade is, popping pimples (did that twice today) and getting report cards. Its a big deal, too. All the names are neatly typed and the principle makes an announcement. Who's that on the over com?

I got straight A's, perfect O's (which means you didn't talk in class) and perfect attendance. Though that isn't rare. Isadora had one absence in 5 of her classes from the day she was sick, but two of them just didn't realize she was gone. I got a free meal at Port of Subs, some crappy stickers that say PAW-sitive. Oh, how clever, like the mascot, hahaha.

Found out my math teacher dropped out of high school in the 10th grades. Her and Specs are going to ruin my future. No I'm kidding, she went back and has a masters now, I think.

Science was stupid again.  Cassy couldn't understand that displacement and misplacement were no the same thing. And then she didn't seem to understand that the roller coaster project with foam tubing we were going to do tomorrow was not the same as the amusement park outside of school project that is due in January.
Teacher- So you will being using this piping and this marble..
Cassy- But what if we are doing a Ferris wheel?
Selena- They aren't the same project.
Teacher- If the marble doesn't get though your loops, you didn't do it correctly...
Cassy- But what if your doing a Ferris wheel?

It's getting so much colder here, and I love it. I hate it, but I love it too. Winter is just more fun, you now? Like Oreo's compared to those stupid knock off things called Tuxedos. Wait that was not a good comparison. What do cookies and the cold have to do with anything? I'm confusing myself.

I must go eat.
Love you a creepy way!