Blog Summary

I'm here to describe -and discover- the truth and humor and pain that is life in the 8th grade. Day by day.

Monday, November 15, 2010

November 15, 2010

Shane- God, have you seen that ashy girl, I really need too! Everyone says shes nasty, with her ashy legs.
Jardashia- Her name is Ashy...
Shane- Megan was like I wonder if she's gray?
Jardashia- Her name is Ashy.
Shane- What class does ashy girl have?
Jardashia- Her name is Ashy!
Teacher- Has anyone here heard of the term momentum?
Cassy- I have!
Teacher- In what context? Can you tell us what it means?
Cassy- Its like when you save something to remember, a memory and stuff.
Selena- No, Cassy, honey, that's a memento.
Cassy- Oh! Slowly lower hand
Teacher- So momentum is the blank times the blank! Why would this not have momentum?
Shane- It isn't moving.
Teacher- Put the law what are the forces?
Cassy- Levity!
Selena- No, Cassy, its gravity.
Amanda- See there are different shades of white. O's tan, your red, shes albino, shes peach. It all depends.
Cristy- I'm red!
Specs- O is not tan, more like orange
Me- Huff
Matt Huff (aka cracker)- Someone call me?
Specs- Not you Matt, jesus!
Jesus- What? Its pronounced Hesus!!
Me- Huff
Matt Huff- Stop that!

Teacher- S-s-s-s-o the g-g-gym is being used for the elective pictures. S-s-s-o we have to play gladiator tag!
Us- Yay!
Teacher- Y-y-y-you have to tuck in your shirts and tuck in the flag like t-t-this...
James- Look I'm Urcal!
Tim- Win! High 5..nope its a jelly fish!
Me- Tim, say Nice Par.
Tim- Nice Par

Me- Ha, I told you he sounded just like the Wii guy!
Hannie- Say Strike!
Tim- Strike!
Me- I rest my case.

Nom Nom Nom

I just started my choice for book club, I am the Messenger or I am Messenger. Unlike all the others picks, mine is awesome. The book is funny and clever and,well, people aren't killing themselves or others so that's a plus.

Get my first quarter report card tomorrow! I'm excited, I don't know what I got. I hope its all A's because I really want my grades far up for the first semester. That's what high schools look at. They always give out this nasty sandwich that belongs at a junior soccer team 'hey its okay that you lost' after party where the bottle blond moms watch baby videos on the brown sectional, waiting for the coach/dad named Dave to come home. But seriously they are soggy and nasty and I always expect something better, but it never comes.
But only straight A kids get it anyway, so I might not even get one.

The way I think about it my life is in that before movie starts phase, where everything is dull, right before the main character starts training for something (ha) or joins a volunteer work group (ha) or wins American Idol (ha to the second power.) See my dogs over weight, my little sister is like the little sister in 27 Dresses, minus 15 years and people at school call me orchi dork, bipolar chick or in the closet girl. As for the last one, its not what you think mom! No, they call me and Hilary that because we are the only two in the click (I'm going to call it that so that I start to believe I could easily change the channel) who haven't ever had a boyfriend.

I don't know about her, but for me holding a guys hand and sitting with him at lunch is not a boyfriend. Plus I'm on the search of a gay friend right now, not a boyfriend. Oh how I want a gay friend. I mean there so funny and fashion forward! Kidding....kinda.

5 things I did today.
Drank coconut flavored water, why wont people just drink normal water? It isn't that bad!
Got stepped on my Specs, am now missing patch of skin. No sorry.
Spit up normal water at lunch because of Isadora and had to sit on ground to help from peeing pants.
Threw previously mentioned water in trash can and secretly pretended to be a basket ball hero! Hey I made a goal in the hoopy thingy!
Tried to play spy and find out what the girls name is who wears long denim skirts everyday. No one wears those! Still on the mission!

Until tomorrow.
Your mom wears crocs.