Blog Summary

I'm here to describe -and discover- the truth and humor and pain that is life in the 8th grade. Day by day.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

November 14, 2010

Another 4 day weekend. Ugh, its like I didn't even go to school this month. I mean it was pretty much, day off, make a hand print turkey, day off. I did basically nothing this weekend, as well. Except for shopping with Lola.

My English teacher succeeded in frightening me and everyone else about the proficiency exam coming up in February. She was trying to explain to us why we had to do 2 essays in 160 minutes, rather then 1 like all the past classes. Something about not doing so good on one, so the other one gives you a better chance of passing since the scores are averaged. "But what if you suck on both of them?"

So Bernie didn't show up to school, proving my mom right. So obviously our whole sleepover thing was off. It really disappointed me. And I prepare for that kind of thing. I've come to expect it, but she was so sure she could come that I let myself get excited. I mean I kinda teared up when Specs said,"So I guess you and Bernie's plans are off." I could have killed her, no joke. Like what kind of a thing is that to say. And I know what your thinking, come on O, she was just stating a fact. But the thing is she was being so snobby about it, like you don't get to have fun this weekend, nananana.

If my life was a movie she would be my nemesis, my hair would always be perfectly undone and fun theme music would play whenever I started to walk.

I'm glad I got to go out with Lola this weekend. I got this super cute dress and a long sleeve teal shirt, and a bow I think. And I had a lot of fun. As you know, I don't often do things outside of my own home, so 'girl' time with a buddy is rare. See Lola is way easy going. In some ways I envy her for that, and the fact that she can be exactly who she wants. Not that anything is really holding me back. Holding back the girl who writes blogs online and actually loves her parents.

In some ways I envy Specs too. But that isn't because of anything except her grades, or not even her grades. The attention she gets from her grades. Her family takes her zip lining and gives her lots of money. I thought it was people have simply come to expect me to get A's, but she has always gotten A's too. But my mom is right, I shouldn't need material things or outer motivations or something along those lines. She got a 98/99 on the math test and Ms.Bumpy put a sign on the door! I got a hundred on one of the past exams and I certainly didn't get a sign and a shout out.

I like to think of myself as not very competitive and not the jealous type. But I think I'm a little of both. But who isn't? Its human nature, right? I remember when I was in this special program in elementary, GATE (gifted and talented education) and we had to do this survey and then it told us which color we were. I was blue with streaks of orange. Blue = creativity and Orange = competitiveness.

Then at the end of the class, the teacher was going through the stats on her ancient Dell, and said, "O, you did well on the test, too." Wow, thanks. Wheres my applause?

My math teacher is pretty funny, if you would believe that. She isn't overly sarcastic like my science teacher and she isn't plain creepy like orchestra. "Hey, I taught kids yesterday!" Her- "Brian, those 3rd graders don't

So you know how I am the president of the writing lab, well the teacher did give me a student. And I'm nervous to meet him. He is supposed to be a really nice 7th grader who wants to learn, but he has a mental illness or something. They are trying to get him out of special ed classes but he struggles in English. I feel good doing things like this, but at the same time its scary. You don't really know what to expect, and I hate surprises.

I like getting close to my teachers. I like to kiss up, its true. But some of them get way to comfortable in front of me. Like my Geo teacher telling me she was peri menopausal and my old reading teacher cursing just about every time I see him now. Its funny, and nice that they trust me, but creepy on so many levels.

The field trip to one of the magnet high schools was Wednesday. So all the losers who wanted to go into cosmetology where gone for a day. Half my orchestra class was gone. So sad...

Do you want to know what I think about? I think about what I would tell my past self. And it isn't like serious, like don't worry, honey, it gets better. Its more like, there are these bathrooms in the 900 hallways that I know you don't know about, because no 6th or 7th grader knows about them and they are really clean. So you should use them. Also, there are set of restrooms in the 500 hallways that only the language kids know about, and there are only 2 types of language kids. The ones who already know the language and want an easy A, and the nerdy ones that don't have any other talent. So use those too. Did I mention I was thinking of going into French next year?

Here's my theory, when popular girls touch their hands together, it means love. Because I can't think of anything else that awkward move could mean. Its like they're too lazy to hug, so they just clasp hands, arm fight style and let go. Like, man I love you come over here and clasp my hand.

The end of the year play is set to be beauty and the beast. Ryan asked me today who I would audition for if I were to audition? I told him the candle stick. He looked at my like a dumb dog. So I said it again, and again. Eventually he gave up on me and said, well I'd be Lumiere. He is going on my stupid list, along with Specs. Thank God I think idiots are entertaining.

Looked at a science textbook today that's inside cover read- Date-2009, Name- Micheal Jackson, Race- Black/ White. That is why I love middle school.

I have my picture for orchestra taken tomorrow and book club Thursday. School play too. Would love to review that.

Oh! I forgot to make my lunch. I will tell you about going to the high school I want to go to's open house tomorrow.

Bye!!! -rockin' in like a teenage girl!