Blog Summary

I'm here to describe -and discover- the truth and humor and pain that is life in the 8th grade. Day by day.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

November 9, 2010

Let me start of by saying that some things just aren't worth it. The it can be replaced with whatever you like, but what I said is still true. Like, say, not getting to work on a project with someone is not worth crying for 2 periods. After that crazy New England project in World Geo my mom forbid me from working with Specs. We didn't get the grade we wanted because of the section she was working on, or more correctly not working on. So me and Hilary can't work with her anymore, her mom did the same. I worried about it for a while and then forgot, until a few days ago.

See we have this new project in science. We have to design an amusement park ride and then do some science and math with it. I told her I couldn't work with her because my mom wanted me to make new friends, I've known her for 8 years. Which meant that I could no longer work with Ryan or any other old friend. Only I also said that my mom would let me work with Isadora because we don't have any classes together. You are allowed to work with people in other periods and who have other teachers. I told Specs all this at the beginning of 5th ans she cried all the way till the end of 6th. So now she keeps texting me, trying to get me to change my moms mind and making movie plans and being pathetic. Its like I wear the face of a friend, I have the brain of a pityer and the heart of an enemy. God, I'm terrible. But the weird thing is I only feel a little guilty. Mostly relived, and that makes me feel just a tad more guilty. Should I feel guilty?

I think I might get a cheerleader on the group, you know they are always looking for an easy A. Shouldn't be too hard, I just want to see Specs with other people. Because I think this will be beneficial to both of us. Spreading our wings and crap. Hey I think that's what the morning announcements were about, oh no wait they were about how inviting a beehive can look. Um no. Beehives aren't inviting, that's a terrible metaphor or simile for gangs.

Why isn't texting a word on this spell check? Spell check is new technology right.

The fall dance was canceled. First it was the beloved Halloween dance, gone. The harvest dance, who were they kidding. The sock hop, we are stupid we don't know what a sock hop is, 12 tickets were sold and again the dance was cancelled.

I think that's what they deserve really as sad as it is.

In English we went over this analogy...Pupils are like oysters not sausages. Everyone was like, excuse me!? Then we read the following paragraph...
Pupils are like oysters not sausages. They can not be stuffed full of information and closed. They must be opened to let their pearls shine.

It was longer and wordier, but that was what it really said. Then my teacher went into how some other teachers treated us like sausages and just packed info into our heads. I quietly said the name of my old history teacher. Which won me some points with the people in my section of the class.

So now I see myself as a slimy piece of seafood and the sad thing is that not everyone will open, the pearl going to waste. Watch that be tomorrows morning announcement.

Bernie was having trouble with her love life in English as well. Her and Karola started getting into it, this and that, things I personally like to hear only in the comfort of my own home on an Ashley Tisdale movie. But when are my wishes respected? "You know, Bernie, a relationship has to be a two way thing." God shes so matter of fact. Shane said this,"What, did Jesus tell you that?" It was pretty funny, to me and him. Not so much to her or the depressed Bernie. But really she quotes the bible she carries around with her all the time!

I invited her to come home with me tomorrow. She can't ride the bus with me, my bus driver checks every one's id numbers or, well, all the black and Mexican people. Not me, she is incredibly racist. As long as she feels better she will get to come to my house for the first time ever! My mom said she would pick us up from school, but she only said that because she believed and still believes that Bernie will bail. I wouldn't be to shocked either to tell the truth.

We had to do a playing test today in chamber. I did poorly. Not bad, certainly not good. After class I asked if I could redo it and I was hoping she would tell me that I didn't need to. That I did fine. But she didn't, so I will tomorrow. It went down kinda like this..."Do you redo tests?" Yes. "Can I redo mine?" Knowing nod, then yes. So that was a little sad making, but I'm over it.

I might have to go to the movies with Specs this weekend. Maybe I'm more guilty than I thought. Oh and Peter requested me on face book. The guy who liked/likes me. Of course I said add, but then he messaged me! What? No one does that. Its all about having one more friend, not being a friend. Get it right, geez. So I asked what high schools he wanted to go to. I couldn't think of anything else. I'm not a real good conversationalist. In fact, people ignore me after a while because I confuse them to much.

I finished 13 Reasons Why. She killed herself. She had some reasons. Go read it and pray they don't make it into a movie.

Why does everyone make fun of Titanic? It made me feel empty not in the mood to be funny. The things that haunt me. Must go!

Love a homo way...