Blog Summary

I'm here to describe -and discover- the truth and humor and pain that is life in the 8th grade. Day by day.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

November 5, 2010

Today, Sunday, we had a concert for the music school I go to. I was really nervous because I felt like I was messing up, which I was probably was. I hung out with my friend, who is a junior in high school. She is one of the sweetest people I have ever met. At one point during the concert a worker at the theater came out of a room that was a second ago pouring with laughter and asked us if they were too loud. No not asked, yelled.

I have a math test, Unit 5, on Monday and I just finished studying. I was also reading the new book club book, 13 Reasons Why. And reading a short (not really 55 pages) story that Bernie sent me via email. It is good writing but an old idea. And I know, there are really only like 2 stories to be told. But this one has been turned into a TV show. Pretty Little Liars. At least that's what it seems like, the best friend of a girl named Spencer (remember that name?) is murdered and she is trying to remember information that she forgot. Sound familiar?

In the 13 Reasons Why I just heard the narrators tape. The tape telling that person why they are important to Hannah killing herself. The narrators tape says something like you aren't really supposed to be on these tapes, you don't belong here you just have to be here to fill in the story. So the narrator is obviously relieved, like phew glad I don't have that on my shoulders anymore. But if I was writing this novel I would have made the main character really be a cause, it would just add so much depth I think. But what do I know about the wants of teenage girls, nothing.

In math this really crude, funny girl who is always talking in class, loud was, well, talking loud and I heard what she said. As did everyone else. "You seen that Brenda girl? She like runs to all her classes and she looks crazy?" I had heard that Brenda was mentally challenged, and I guess someone else had to because they said "Hey, its not nice to make fun of mentally challenged people!" To which she said,"I don't make fun of them, that would be retarded."

The morning announcements were really funny. It was all about boats and dropping anchors or something and at one point I looked around and everyone was staring at the spot on the wall were the gibberish was coming from with the same funny face I had on. Why do the administrators seem to think that talking about sails is going to make us want to go to college or for the people at my school, high school.

Math class was full of loud people actually. A girl named Spazzi  yelled out,"My dads a truck driver!" and Tom faded away as he responded with,"Well that's kinda cool."

The student of the month lunch was terribly boring. We got two pieces of pizza, some juice I didn't want to drink and some gummies I couldn't eat (vegetarian.) And then as one of our gifts we got a certificate for a free hamburger or cheeseburger at some fast food place. So all I got was a stomach ache and a dog tag that says pride on it.Ryan was there and we were talking about being good students or something and he said,"In 5th I got an unsat, remember?" and I said,"Whats an unsat?" I think its like a letter saying hey your failing, but I still don't know.

In gym we had a hard shelter in place. Hard means that immediate danger is on the campus and soft means that something is near. Apparently a suspicious package was left at a store near us so I don't know why it was a hard shelter in place. Anyway I was outside and we had to run into the locker rooms and wait there. Hard also means light outs all quiet and away from doors. Which no one did. It was all patty cake patty cake, frog on a bank or whatever. When we were changing before all this started I almost lost it watching this girl try to take off her skinny jeans. They were so tight it literally took her 20 minutes. I mean her friends were trying to help her take off her pants! It doesn't get better then that.

Did you know that a new version of the Great Gatsby is coming out staring Leonardo DiCaprio and Blake Lively? That's like perfect for a Great Gatsby, Leonardo DiCaprio, Blake Lively fan. Which I am.

I am dreading going back to school though we get Thursday and Friday off. Why is anyone even coming this month its not like anythings happening what with us gone all the time. When you aren't there you can't learn. Half the school is there and still isn't really there so why are you giving us so many days off? And they think anchors are going to make us want a better future.

5 things I did today-
Made fun of Taylor Swift.
Tried, unsuccessfully, to lift my mom like a baby.
Acted like a spy while behind a curtain, who hasn't done that?
Read the dictionary.
Looked up what was the Clap and was thoroughly disgusted.

I know your looking up the clap now...I know what with me being a spy and all.

Tomorrows mission, be super nice like music friend, while planning a super awesome surprise for Isadora. Ninja fashion.

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