Blog Summary

I'm here to describe -and discover- the truth and humor and pain that is life in the 8th grade. Day by day.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

March 8, 2011

Sorry about the no blog thing yesterday. It want even because of testing, I got sick. I joked about drinking some of the fluoride at the dentists, but I didn't, and the pain in my stomach got extremely bad. My mommy spent the night with me and I almost puked. But that's nothing compared to what I did today.


I know, stop the presses, call the sheriff (what?) do we even have sheriffs?

It wasn't that big of a deal, until it was.

See here's my logic. When Ariel went a week without makeup she got dozens of compliments, mostly from me, but whatever, so I figured when I get complimented I will stop wearing makeup because of my new found confidence. Thereby stopping the artificial, self conscience ways of teenagers who have to look up to crazy ideals.

I didn't really get complimented without begging for it, so not only did I turn to the dark side, but I guess young girls will continue to feel ugly in their own skin.
Back to the drawing board.

I had testing again today, math part 1.
See they give out different versions, and I got Version 1.  Now if there's one thing I hate, and there is, it's when I'm talking about how hard a question was and someone blames it on how my version was personalized because I'm so smart.

What? No wonder you have Version 5...

Actually although the testing was hard, it wasn't as bad as yesterday when we spent 5 hours in that room. Only 2, today, and they handed out froot roll-ups. Is froot spelled like that in this case?

They also gave us mints. And I swear to God I felt like I was in an orphanage or something. Ms.Blue said,'Now I'm gonna pass out your mint, you can choose when to eat it, but you only get one a day!' And then she delicately placed one on each desk.
The mints had Rock and Roll wrappers, which is our school theme this year. Does that mean they ordered those special? Did they use the money they earned without having to pay for a principal on this? Budget cuts, no?

Ms.Blue's weirdness didn't really stop there. She read the directions like a robot, to entertain us? To entertain herself? For the walls she talks to? And I guess the voice distracted from the actual instructions, so when I had finished my first half of the test and went to go put it in the crate with the others, so that she could hand it back later, this happened. She split the pile and handed out the tests to the first half's owners after about 10 minutes. When I asked why I didn't have mine back she said I would in 7 minutes. And then that was it!

But that wasn't as bad as what happened at the last home basketball game. Kenzie was asking me what my parents did, so I asked her what her dad did. And she said this,'My mom, on a daily basis.' And just walked away! No explanation, just yeah...that's it. I don't know her parents and I'm creeped out. She ruined a relationship we could have had.


I guess I have to go to school now...always remember kids- Broccoli is for the weak, telling the truth is for the boring, and wearing Crocs is for the stupid.