Blog Summary

I'm here to describe -and discover- the truth and humor and pain that is life in the 8th grade. Day by day.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

March 21, 2011

Just got back from the pre festival concert. According to Facebook it was terrible, which only slightly bummed me out considering the size of the house. It wasn't like anyone was there to see us.

In health with a capital H we rolled paper cigarettes today and held them in our mouth or hand all hour. It was seriously scary how real some of them looked. Like, now I know what you do with your weekend.

Issy had braces this morning and Kenzie couldn't stop talking about how bad she felt for her. Like, girl, as if. We all know that secretly those who already have braces are thrilled when a new one joins their cult. Like when girls see a girl with really short, Emma Watson style, hair and think to themselves, one less girl to compete with. I'm not saying it's right. I'm just saying its true.

See, we all have little things that we slyly think and believe that influence our decisions.
That's middle school.

1. When people say 'no homo,' Yeah I did go there, and I am not taking that back.
2.  No offense. Unless you are going to say,'No offense, you're so pretty,' shut your mouth. Specs...
3. People with one piercing who aren't gay or pirates. Am I right?
4. Guys with perfect finger nails.
5. People (I almost deleted that and said girls, but let's be honest) that make little deformed hearts with their hands.
6. People who add terms of endearment to make you feel stupid, 'No, honey, it's actually -32.'
7. Not having a picture of Ellen in your wallet. Automatic turn off.
8. People who wear headbands across their foreheads. Am I the only one that thinks this is wrong?
9. Jonas Brothers. Need I say more?
10. Clip in flowers. I think this was like an acquired hatred after starting to associate them with people like Specs.

Today Tina, the violist I sometimes talk too had her 14th birthday. She was carrying around a cupcake in a little case, but other than that you couldn't tell.  Me, her and Tim were all sitting next to each other and she asked him for a piece of gum. He wouldn't give it to her. So she left, pouted and cried! I mean, I know it's your birthday, but child please, you can cry, but not over that.

And I never got the cupcake she was going to drop off....

When I got to my geography teachers room for NJHS, no one else was there. I asked her why, and she told me that they had all said they would be coming. So no meeting, what with the forum being alone. And when she asked me and the couple of other kids (who were working on late work) if we were hungry, I didn't get any, because it was chicken and mashed potatoes.

So I did nothing for 2 and a half hours. But then again, what would I have done otherwise?

In that 2 and half hours I did some deep soul searching and realized that even if the cheer captain hates me, I'll be okay. Oh? I didn't mention that? Yes...she hates me. Thinks I'm stuck up (probably,) a teachers pet (I'm not the one giving out gifts at St.Patrick's Day,) and that I act like I'm smarter than all my teachers (some things aren't acting...)

And while that did hurt, it wasn't nearly the same as being hated by my math teacher, who after finding out I don't know my 8's, yelled at me and told me to come back when I figured it out. It was like when they tell you they're disappointed in you. It's a burn.

I hope you all had a good first half of the week. Because it's hump day! I just like saying that...