Blog Summary

I'm here to describe -and discover- the truth and humor and pain that is life in the 8th grade. Day by day.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

December 8, 2010

I was working on my science project with my mom before this, so my finger kinda hurts because she stabbed it 2 times. And my ankle is really hurting too because this 6th grader stepped on it during gladiator tag. Which came after mat ball. So, all in all, good day.

I am Norm. You are norm. This week was inclusive week or something. I honestly don't know, but they had this women who talked like a robot and was super nervous and this 'panel' of students, all in the 7th grade. It was terrible. All about everyone being normal and norm and Norman. There was this one kid who talked with his hands and kept correcting himself and saying um, and my whole homeroom was yelling at him through the tellie. Or saying awww, he's so cute. In the bad way.

So I kept saying that I was Norm, for the rest of the day. I am hilarious.

Bernie- Knock Knock
Me- Who's there?
Bernie- Bernie, and she always will be.
Me- You watch to much Family Guy
Bernie- But you knew what I was talking about!
Me- So do I.

She started reading Willow, after yelling at me for pulling out the bookmark that was on page 1. She kept saying, 'I know how this is gonna end, It'll suck.' Then she actually went on to tell me what was gonna happen. 'She's gonna be all, Oh no I'm a murderer, then she's gonna cut herself, then she's gonna meet some guy and the shits gonna hit the fan when he finds out, then their gonna fall in love and she won't want to cut anymore'
 Mr.Mac then said that ,'No, she dies in the end. Like in Titanic' I had to then remind him that the girl doesn't die in Titanic, the boy does. He was like crap! I love knowing more then my teachers, even little stuff like that. It makes you fell like your smarter then Einstein. We put teachers on such high pedestals, you know?

Math test and English test.
Everything is set for tomorrow and I'm freaking out. Its just that in movies high school is portrayed as this terrible, awful place. With mean girls and cliques and impossible work. It's just that you start to believe it and its like I'm an intruder on this Shadow Day. At least the girl I'm following is a girl. I have talked to highschoolers, just not ones that I haven't known for years. I'm scared, no doubt. Maybe they will like me like all the 8th graders did when I was in 6th. They thought I was cute. Am I still cute?

Me and Isadora were on the bus and this boy in 7th who used to go to our elementary school came and sat next to us.  He, Markus, then started to talk, and he wouldn't stop.
Markus-  Hey, I really want to learn how to, to...
Isadora- Knit?
Markus- No! no, um braid, hair.
Isadora- Its not hard, you take three sections and then over lap them. I'll show you on O.
Markus- It's so sick.
Isadora- Yeah, I guess.
Me- What do you want to learn how to braid hair for?
Markus- I don't know.
Me- You should just start braiding girls hair in class.
Isadora- Way better than a pickup line.
Markus- What would happen if I walked from our school to here?
Me- You would get caught
Isadora- Way to white
Markus- That one kid, Jack, back there does it.
Isadora- You don't want to be like him.
Me- He's a hoodlum.
Markus- Whats that? Is that like gay?
Isadora- Yeah, hoodlum means gay.
Me- And you wouldn't want to be that would you?
Markus- No!

I love the bus.

Love you more! Wish me luck at high school!