Blog Summary

I'm here to describe -and discover- the truth and humor and pain that is life in the 8th grade. Day by day.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

December 6, 2010

Are you real?
Am I real?
Wouldn't it be amazing if we were all some experiment. Someones dollhouse, playing with our bodies like Barbies. Like we're either doing exactly as they expected, or completely different. Watching us slowly evolve, when they're millions of years ahead of us.
That would be so cool. Is it wrong that I think that? It would explain so much.

Bernie was ticked because her phone had been taken away. She was explaining why to me,'My mom and I were sitting in the car and she asks me to come home to her tonight, not my dad, because she wants us to hang out more. I want to hang out with my friends at my dads house, and then she yelled at me and took my phone away after threatening to throw my Starbucks away.'

 Last year this boy threw a book at her after she stole his lunch, and I made her apologize, I mean I think he had a disorder. And she did, I would be lying if I said that they became BFF's, but she did end up doing the right thing. So when she told me this I kinda just looked at her, and then-'Bernie...that was kinda mean. She just wanted to hang out.'
Bernie-'Well now it sounds bad,'
Then to top it off, Ryan, whose mom is only nice to him and makes him dinner when she is sober, says,'Yeah, no kidding.'
She was pained by family values.

He was bummed today because in order for his dad to keep his job he had to move to Colorado. It's really sad, his dad was probably trying to get away from his control freak wife. But seriously.

He was better by 6th. I was talking about Beauty and the Beast and then Specs asked what song she should sing for the audition. It had to be a fairy tale song or show tune. I started to say,'A dream is a wish your heart makes!' In my worst singing voice, everyone seems to think I can sing, when in truth I can't. My own sister told me I should just stop trying, that and dancing. I was like,'Baby, I know,' Then I turned to PJ, the homophobic gay dancer who's on the basket ball team, and say,'You now the ones with the birds and gerbils with rabies watching her get dressed, and she's all singing completely unaware of the cameras they have set up in her room, but she's...' He looks really into it. And when I finish, I say,'Right?' He gives me this been in the freezer look and says,' What sorry? I zoned out at butterfly. Sometimes girls they just can't stop talking,' I would disagree with him, but again massive lie. Plus I knew what I was saying was staged and artificial to get Ryan to smile. Whatever. I'm gonna ask him for tips later.

I just flipped over my list and it says Hi O! in Isadora's writing. We were actually talking about how her writing would be said, if it were pronounced according to hand writing. She says mine would be some French guy. Lumiere, to be specific. And I say hers would all be whispered. She writes in italics. If she wants to emphasize a word, she has to write normal.

It's sad when the highlight of your day is reading the funnies (or watching the tellie, I want to be Australian, or better yet Canadian!)  and laugh at Pearls before Swine. Sadder when you want to clip it out like old people with their clipping. I hate how coupons say, clip here, or cut. And I especially hate the little scissors. Like we don't know what to do. 'Oh Geez, Bertha, Donny darling get in here. There's this dotted line around this coupon saving my 5 dollars and I don't know what to do!'

Me and Isadora were looking up people on Face Book. Pronounced with a long a. Mostly teachers. My Dean has Gumby as his profile picture. Is that even a cartoon? Looks like a creepy rubber man that belongs on the top of a pencil. Then we clicked on his wife, and shes a landscape person! I hate those people! The ones who use pictures they Googled to pass as a profile picture. Come on. There should be rules against landscapes. Its not like you went to that place! People who travel wouldn't be afraid of showing a picture of themselves.

I'm totally broken out and apparently choice number two, or three, or four. If you can't have chocolate cake, go for ice cream, go for pudding, go for Jello. I am Jello.

The boy with the dreads, the really cool one, came over and sat on my lap today. He said I was Santa. My friends were all like, 'Get off her! Don't call her Santa! He's fat!' I really couldn't think about what he was calling me, because he was hurting me. Intense pain in thigh. Ow! He's fighting with the girl he usually hangs out with, not his girlfriend, just a flirty friend. I don't get it.

I asked someone if they had heard about Jane Lynch getting married. They said no, so I was like really!? Yay! But its real guys. Its on Wikipedia. And that stuffs legit.

Concerts coming up like crazy. Christmas coming up like crazy. I hate Christmas. I like getting stuff, but not giving stuff. The look on their faces! No, the money I spend. I know, I know. I don't want any lectures.

Why is it when I look up really good music this song always comes up as a you might like. If I like a good song, why would I like this...
The highest rated comment to this pop song sung (not really) by girls in lingerie, is muting is the best option.

Its like those people you might know things on my Face Book page. Um, no.What she lives in Germany!? How would I know her?

Enough ranting. Here's something I enjoy. I like being corrected when I spell a texting abbreviation wrong. I need new friends.

Love you! Tell your mom to get new shoes.