Blog Summary

I'm here to describe -and discover- the truth and humor and pain that is life in the 8th grade. Day by day.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

April 27, 2011

Me- Here let me tie my tie around your neck, it'll be like practice for when I have a husband some day.
Bernie- Excuse me?
Me- You know, they always show the women tieing the man's tie in movies.
Bernie- Is this some sick 1950's dream of yours, because I'll tell you what you should be doing, practicing doing the dishes.
Or better yet, why don't you go make me a sammich!
Why are you tying my tie, shouldn't you be vacuuming?
Where's my sammich?

Sometimes the best thing to do, is just to let them have their fun.

Today was Wacky Wednesday in the horror that is Spirit Week. I wore a tie, just like Monday. You may wonder why I have so many ties.

Some people, though enthusiastic, always take things too far.
There are different types of these people, all bad, but different.
There are people like Phylis that take arguments to far, and then they eventually run out of stupid things to counter every one's silence with.
There are people who take rules too far. Take this- Someone asks for a piece of gum and they say, we aren't allowed to have gum, sharpies or guns on campus.
And then there are the worst kind known to man, or me, I like to call them the spirit weakers. They take every lame, lousy (can you tell I'm rereading The Catcher in the Rye?) instruction that the discards on the student counsel can come up with, root through their trash and wear it. That isn't wacky, that's sad. It sounds harsh but you don't sit behind the girl who stuffs her hair with cotton so she looks like Marge Simpson in math.
And its always one, tiny thing that takes them over the edge.

Like subs to try to make the best out of the jazzercise accident your Reading teacher had, by making crap jokes. Subs should stick to what they do  best, having no direction in life. Instead of laughing every few seconds at their chat room friends on the school computer.

God that reminds me of Mr.White, who sits in his classroom at his computer with the lights out. I don't know how to type the sound I make thinking of his pervertedness. I suppose you could look up Blue Waffle (a mistake you only make twice) and make it yourself.

Or you could just look at some Crocs...your choice. I think you know what you have to do...